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Agreement between University of Bologna and Johns Hopkins University - Possibility of attending Single Course Unit during the Second Semester

RANKING LIST PUBLISHED. SINGLE COURSES - JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY - 2020/2021 SECOND SEMESTER Possibility of attending Single Course Unit during the Second Semester.

Published on 10 December 2021

All students regularly enrolled in one of the Master's Degree Programs in the Department of Political and Social Sciences in Bologna and in Forlì, subsequently listed, can apply to attend and take the relevant course exam offered by Johns University Hopkins, School of Advanced International Studies covering CFUs freely chosen by the student (activity letter D).


Candidates (including new students enrolled in a.y. 2021/2022) must be registered in one of the following Master's Degree courses:


  • Local and Global Development (LM SLEG)
  • Administration and Organization Policy (LM PAO)
  • International Relations - Bologna office (LM IR)
  • International and Diplomatic Sciences - Headquarters of Forlì (LM SID)
  • International Politics and Economics (LM IPE)