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EYE-EU Event in Forlì

European Youth Event in Forlì, May 17-19

Published on 08 March 2024

With specific attention to the students of the Curriculum in European Affairs



(17-19 MAGGIO 2024)

Un evento di carattere internazionale come EYE sembra poter ispirare, coinvolgere e responsabilizzare i giovani cittadini europei, sollecitandoli a farsi protagonisti del proprio futuro e a chiedersi quale tipo di Europa e società̀ immaginano, stimolando la riflessione su temi cruciali come la conservazione dell'ambiente, la riduzione delle disuguaglianze sociali ed economiche e la promozione dei valori universali della dignità̀ umana, in linea con la Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'UE.

Tutti temi cruciali in previsione delle prossime elezioni europee, che si terranno il 9 giugno 2024.


(MAY 17-19, 2024)

An event as international in character as EYE seems to be able to inspire, engage and empower young European citizens, urging them to become protagonists of their own future and to ask themselves what kind of Europe and societỳ they imagine, stimulating reflection on crucial issues such as environmental preservation, the reduction of social and economic inequalities and the promotion of universal values of human dignity, in line with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

These are all crucial issues ahead of the next European elections, which will be held on June 9, 2024.


What is the European Youth Event?

The Forlì European Youth Event is the national version of the large free event that the European Parliament organises in Strasbourg, bringing together over 10,000 young people from all over Europe to discuss the future of the continent.

