Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Relations

Programme aims

The 2nd cycle degree programme in International Relations trains specialists able to critically analyse political systems, the relationships between them, geopolitical areas, the reasons for tensions and conflicts, conflict resolution methods, and the political and economic role of international organisations, including the EU.

In particular, the programme aims to provide sound advanced training, extending and strengthening students' knowledge of the international relations approach to historical, political, economic and politological subject areas. Teaching methods include seminars, written assignments, oral presentations, the study of complex texts, use of case studies and simulations. These activities allow students to develop and apply their own personal and original approach to research and study.

The interdisciplinary approach and in-depth study of different geo-political areas help to broaden students' knowledge and skills, allowing them to develop methodological and analytical skills for problem solving in the working contexts graduates will operate in.

Advanced and in-depth knowledge of historical, legal, economic and political themes provide graduates with the flexible, professional profile demanded by the external stakeholders consulted. Graduates will be able to organise and manage projects, apply their knowledge and skills to analyse and solve new problems, and develop those abilities, which, combined with the knowledge and skills acquired, are useful in negotiation and conflict mediation situations. For this purpose, teaching methods include seminar discussions, enhancing students' ability to summarise complex texts or texts on specific cases both orally and in written form. The preparation of the dissertation also helps to broaden students' communication and presentation skills.

The degree programme includes some core course units on the evolution of the international political and economic system, providing basis for more specialised course units.

The curriculum includes groups of four course units, offering specialisation in functional or geopolitical subjects.

A wide range of elective course units are available in politological, economic, historical, sociological and legal areas, developing flexible, interdisciplinary figures. Language skills are particularly important professional tools. The level B2 of the English language proficiency is required, and the programme also includes the study of another European language (French, German or Spanish). Study may include both the acquisition of the four linguistic skills (reading, writing, listening and dialogue) and compulsory attendance of lessons, in line with the criteria specified during the degree programme. Additional English language skills may be acquired in an advanced course unit, focusing on the use of the language in the context of international relations.

A large number of additional credits may be used in internship programmes, offering greater flexibility for the curriculum through the use of international mobility.

The course is organized with different curricula: curriculum European Affairs; curriculum International Affairs; curriculum Forecasting Innovation and Change (not available for the a. y. 2022/2023); curriculum Crime, Justice and Security.

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Corso di International Relations - codice 9084
The 2nd cycle degree programme in International Relations trainsspecialists able to critically analyse political systems, their mutualrelationships , geopolitical areas, the reasons for tensions and conflicts,conflict resolution methods, and the… Read more