Civil servant in international and European organisations and institutions
Functions in the work environment:
The functionary of international and European organisations and institutions:
Competences related to the function
The figure should:
Career prospects: Diplomatic representations or international institutions, such as the European Union and the United Nations.
International Affairs Reporter
Functions in the work environment:
The international affairs reporter:
Competences related to the function
The figure should:
Career prospects: New media, such as blogs, web-sites, web radio and web TV, traditional media, such as radio, television, press, national and international research institutions, often as freelance.
Journalism is a profession governed by the relative professional ordinance and by the domestic legislation and can require additional education or practice.
Specialist in international and European policies
Functions in the work environment
The specialist in international and European policies:
- studies, describes and interprets the origin, development, functioning and the logic of the political systems and ideologies, diplomatic, economic and political relations between states and other actors of world politics, the policy-making and the interaction between the policies and the public opinion, the activities of governments and political parties, the reasons and the consequences of the electoral outcomes,
- coordinates the designing, elaboration, financing, implementation, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of the national, international and supranational programmes of public relevance regarding various issues, such as conflict resolution, environmental protection, managing the migratory flows, combatting crime and the sustainability of the welfare systems,
- consults, interacts and maintains relations with the top levels of the complex organisations, both public and private, both national and international,
- introduces and uses the valid methodologies for the implementation and evaluation of the impact of the national, international or European public policies, evidencing their public impact,
- participates in the negotiation and deliberations aimed at achieving the goals of and implementing the European policies in different geo-political areas and sectors.
Competences related to the function
The figure should:
Career prospects:
Think tanks and research institutes, communication, public relations and consultancy firms, NGOs, national, regional and local public administration.
Foreign sales department officer
Functions in the work environment
The foreign sales department officer:
Competences related to the function
The figure should:
Career prospects: private entities with international scope of operations.
Functions in the work environment
The peacekeeper
Competences related to the function
The figure should:
Career prospects: international organisations, national and international NGOs and volunteer associations.
The programme gives access to the third cycle - research or specialisation school and university master of second level.
Civil servant ininternational and European organisations and institutions
Function in a professional context
The functionary ofinternational and European organisations and institutions:
• represents and promotesinterests (both public and private) of their own state or organisation and istasked with analysing, formulating, monitoring and evaluating public policy, aswell as mediating and negotiating. Their activity can be related to political,economic, commercial, social and cultural sectors;
• coordinates the administrative activities related to international andEuropean contexts, analyses and interprets the policy-making, proposessolutions through a dialogue aimed at institutional innovation, and, moregenerally, adopts a flexible approach and takes initiative in the workenvironment.
Competencies associated to the function
Ourgraduate should:
• possess the competences requested by the relative public competition,especially in the historical, legal andeconomic disciplines with a focus on the international dimension of thepolitical, economic and social phenomena, as well as perfect command of the English language andat least another foreign language;
• possess a specialisedhistorical-legal, political-economic and linguistic knowledge related to thegeographic and thematic areas;
• be capable to interact with experts in law and justice, economics andfinance, internal security and defence,
• be capable to adapt to the various realities and developments,interpret them in a political, economic, legal and cultural key and evaluatetheir international dimension,
• be capable of elaborating and promoting their own solutions(problem-solving) inside the expert groups (team management) and in thecomplex, interdisciplinary and high-risk environment (risk-taking) and have apropensity to networking,
• possess skills of persuasion,mediation and bargaining and developed oral and written communication skills,
• use the software for the open source intelligence (mind maps, semanticweb), know the national and international information databases and be anadvanced user of instruments of analysis and strategic planning, contextanalysis, impact analysis, scenario analysis and game theories,
• be skilled in international and European project management andcoordination of research, reform and policy making teams in various geopoliticalareas.
Employment opportunities
Diplomaticrepresentations or international institutions, such as the European Union andthe United Nations.
InternationalAffairs Reporter
Function in aprofessional context
Theinternational affairs reporter:
• collects, reports and comments the news and developments ofinternational relevance to be published in the daily and periodic press, radioand television, websites and other means of mass communication, using theprimary and the secondary sources and various techniques, such as focus groupswith the experts with various professional profiles,
• produces studies, investigative dossiers, recommendations, seminarsfor institutional bodies, businesses, representative associations, national andinternational research institutes, media – both traditional and new onesregarding the international matters of strategic interest, such as conflictresolution, environmental protection, managing migration flows, tacklingcriminality or the sustainability of the welfare systems,
• interviews relevant figures onthe issues of international importance, writes editorials on the facts anddevelopments of international significance,
• reviews, selects and organises articles and other informativematerials for publishing, in compliance with the legislation on privacy,
• acquires, selects and processes information on the internationaldevelopments, transforming it in the final product – a news report, an articleor a radio/TV report,
• monitors, collects and organises information and data regarding thepolitical, institutional, economic and social context at the internationalcontext that is subsequently utilised to produces the original analysis(historical and forecasting) that can be translated into essays, specialisedarticles and studies.
Competenciesassociated to the function
Ourgraduate should:
• have knowledge of thefunctioning of the international system at the political, legal, historical,economic and social level and be able to conduct a comparative analysisbetween countries,
• have an advanced command of one or more foreign languages,
• possess general journalisticcompetences and the – possibly outstanding – capacity of oral and writtenproduction,
• possess communication and interaction skills and be able to enter intomulticultural social contexts and networks and to manage the social networks,
• possess cross knowledge onpolicy sectors to critically evaluate various problems and to apply legal andpolicy transfer.
Employment opportunities
New media, such asblogs, websites, web radio and web TV, traditional media, such as radio,television, press, national and international research institutions, often asfreelance.
Journalism is aprofession governed by the relative professional ordinance and by the domesticlegislation and can require additional education or practice.
Specialistin international and European policies
Function in aprofessional context
• studies, describes and interprets the origin, development, functioningand the logic of political systems andideologies, diplomatic, economic and political relations between states andother actors of world politics, the policy-making and the interaction betweenthe policies and the public opinion, the activities of governments andpolitical parties, the reasons and the consequences of the electoral outcomes,
• coordinates the designing, elaboration, financing, implementation,promotion, monitoring and evaluation of the national, international andsupranational programmes of public relevance regarding various issues, such asconflict resolution, environmental protection, managing migratory flows, combatting crime and thesustainability of the welfare systems,
• consults, interacts and maintains relations with the top levelsof complex organisations, both publicand private, national and international,
• introduces and uses validmethodologies for the implementation and evaluation of the impact of thenational, international or European public policies, evidencing their publicimpact,
• participates in the negotiation and deliberations aimed at achievingthe goals of and implementing the European policies in different geo-politicalareas and sectors.
Competencies associated to the function
Our graduateeshould:
• possess knowledge of thenational, international and European institutional and political system, itshistorical and legal origins, its operations and its positioning in relation toother types of systems; the functional mechanisms of complex organisations andtheir decision-making processes; the characteristics and the prospects ofglobal governance,
• be able to analyse and interpret the political and organisationalcontexts of the national and international decision-making;
• be able to manage a public policy project, as well as monitor its results and promote itsobjectives via the national, international and European public institutions andin the public opinion, using digital communication and mass media;
• be able to evaluate the legal and financial implications, inconsultation with experts in the relevant field, as well as the operativerequirements of projects;
• have critical thinking skills and be able to apply alternativeapproaches to problem-solving; use logical reasoning to identify the pros andcons of the processes and their solutions;
• be empathic and capable of understanding the motivations and actionsof others;
• be creative and have good communication skills, in particular thecapacity to engage in dialogue and negotiations on behalf of otheradministrations or private entities with respect to national or European publicadministration, and have a propensity to networking;
• be capable of getting access to, reading and interpreting theprogramme documents (legislation, bills, decisions, programme descriptions) ofthe European institutions;
• use software for the opensource intelligence (mental maps, semantic web), know national and international database and havea good command of the analytical and strategic planning instruments, contextanalysis, impact analysis, scenario analysis and game theories.
Think tanksand research institutes, communication, public relations and consultancy firms,NGOs, national, regional and local public administration.
Foreignsales department officer
Function in aprofessional context
The foreign sales department officer:
• applies the marketing and export strategies, ensures the efficiency ofthe distribution and commercial network, monitors the sales and the marketposition of the goods and services sold, focusing on the foreign markets;
• conducts research on the market conditions at the international levelto identify the possibilities of entering foreign markets with the available goods and services, evaluates thepolitical and institutional development scenarios of these markets, analysesthe competition, the prices and the sale and distribution modalities in them.
Competencies associated to the function
The person should:
• have a good command of English and another foreign language;
• have a general idea of the most important economic, financial andpolitical processes of the modern society and, in particular, the economic,financial and political problems and issues of each state with which they enterin a trade relation;
• be capable of conducting empirical research in the internationaldomain and specific geographic areas through the use of the methods of socialsciences and scientific analysis;
• possess communication skills, including exceptionally good negotiationskills, and organisational skills;
• be flexible and adaptable;
• have an excellent ability to manage human and economic resources and resources in general - both materialand immaterial.
Privateentities with international range of operations.
Function in aprofessional context
• engages in conflict prevention activities, peace-making, peace-keepinge peace-building;
• provides humanitarian aid and organises human security;
• promotes the disarmament and demobilisation initiatives, projects ofeconomic reconstruction and confidence building, human rights protection,including through elections monitoring and observation;
• coordinates the ideation, elaboration, financing, implementation,promotion, monitoring and evaluation of the international and supranationalprogrammes in different spheres.
Competencies associated to the function
This person/ourgraduate should:
• possess competences in international politics necessary to identifythe causes of conflict and their resolution, as well as competences ininternational relations and development cooperation, in the methodology ofpolitical sciences and international security;
• be capable of applying the techniques of conflict resolution andpeace-building;
• have analytical,problem-solving, persuasion, negotiation and project management capacities;
• have a perfect command of English, preferably coupled with that of thelanguage and culture of the destination country, as well as excellent capacityof adaptation to international and intercultural contexts.
Internationalorganisations, national and international NGOs and volunteer associations. Forspecific purposes, further training may be required.