Italian Studies is an international second cycle degree built as an educational path that goes through different subjects, in an interdisciplinary way. The course provides a pioneering training in Italian culture, since it will be based on the newest results of cultural analysis. English will be the teaching language for this Master degree, but students will also follow advanced courses in Italian during the second year.
Since Italian Studies is a course taught in English, students must have a high intermediate proficiency in English language (B2 or equivalent) and a low intermediate knowledge of Italian language, which will be improved during the first year.
Students will be selected after a close analysis of their CV and through interviews. Prospective students are expected to be familiar with categories, instruments and languages of research in the field of humanities. The ability to analyse and contextualise texts, sources and different aspects of Italian culture are also required.
During the first year, students will follow courses that will improve their knowledge of Italian culture and language. They will be expected to learn about Italian History, Political Thought, Literature, Arts, Cinema. During the second year, given that they will be more skilled about Italian matters, students will have the chance to deepen their prior knowledge with advanced courses in Italian Cultural Studies and Italian Literature. One elective course will be taught in Italian language, and its load will be 12 ECTS.
Look at the Study plan
As any second cycle degree, the total credits load of Italian Studies will be 120 ECTS. Students will have the chance to examine in depth Literature, History, Visual Arts, Philosophy, Political and Cultural Thought of one of the most important cultures in the world. The innovative, interdisciplinary approach to Italian culture is strengthen through our important partnerships with foundations and institutions which are leading ones in their field: Fondazione Zeri (research center in the field of Visual Arts), Cineteca di Bologna (the most important Film Restoration and Conservation Lab in Europe), Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna (research center in the field of Political Thought).