Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Curriculum Italian Studies Second cycle degree/Two year Master in Italian Studies and European Literary Cultures


If you haven’t enrolled yet, please look at code 6051.A89-000.
If you have already enrolled, the course code is available in Studenti Online.

6051 - Italian Studies and European Literary Cultures

 Graduates will be skilled experts in the field of Humanities. Therefore, they will be able to join Phd programmes all over the world, and to cover positions in the following work environments:

  • Cultural and publishing industry
  • Film Archives
  • Libraries
  • Art Galleries
  • Museums
  • Cultural Centers
  • Italian Culture Institutes in Embassies and Consulates all over the world
  • Public and private foundations and institutions
  • Research Centers
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Find out more about the Ministerial Single Annual Report (SUA-CdS - Single Annual Report on Degree Programmes)

Corso di Italian Studies and European Literary Cultures - codice 6051
Professional profiles professional profile CULTURE MANAGEMENT EXPERT Function in a professionalcontext Culture management experts acquire, assess and guarantee the preservationof artefacts of social,… Read more