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Professional profiles

professional profile

Cultural Officer

role in a work context:

Cultural Officers acquire, assess and guarantee the preservation of artefacts of social, historical, cultural and artistic significance, including through promotional activities.

Cultural Officer professional profile:

- involved in the organisation of institutions and cultural activities (events, museums, exhibitions) and curates their promotion;

- elaborates and coordinates linguistic-cultural projects, activities and research as part of language and integration policies, including on a European and international level.

To obtain more autonomy, higher levels of responsibility in their jobs and learn to master the methods and instruments that support their activity, graduates can be asked to acquire additional competencies by taking post-degree vocational courses, first or second level M.A. courses and internships.

competencies associated with the role:

- specific knowledge, abilities and skills in social and humanities areas;

- ability to select and promote high-level cultural activities, including those relating to the specific social and cultural context in which they operate;

- transversal competencies involving communication and relationship skills and organisational, management and planning skills, according to the level of autonomy and responsibility, the organisation and working methods adopted and the main interlocutors (colleagues, other professionals and clients/users);

- ability to operate in international contexts and understand the multicultural aspects of European and extra-European cultures.

career opportunities:

Bodies, companies, public and private institutions and third sector organisations (including Foundations) that conserve, valorise and promote cultural, artistic, literary and linguistic heritage, organise public events and cultural activities.

Graduates with sufficient credits in appropriate subject groups, will be able to take entrance exams to training programmes to teach, in accordance with the applicable legislation.


Role in a work context:

Editors apply their linguistic, literary and cultural knowledge to create and review text before it is published (paper, audio-visual, multimedia).

Editor professional profile:

- carries out a number of activities in the publishing world (both paper-based and online);

- writes informative and advertising texts on goods and services, which are printed or broadcasted on the radio, television or via other communication media;

- writes professionally for the journalism, publishing and advertising sector;

- offers consulting services for the creation of manuals, guides, technical appendixes, promotional sheets, informative text, instruction booklets for consumer goods, artisanal, industrial and commercial machines, products and equipment.

To obtain more autonomy, higher levels of responsibility in their jobs and learn to master the methods and instruments that support their activities, graduates can be asked to acquire additional competencies by taking post-degree vocational courses, first or second level M.A. courses and internships.

competencies associated with the role:

- specific knowledge, abilities and skills in social and humanities areas;

- special communication abilities and learning skills in one or more professional sectors;

- self-learning and continuous professional updating abilities;

- transversal competencies involving relationship, management and planning skills, according to the level of autonomy and responsibility, the organisation and working methods adopted and the main interlocutors (colleagues, other professionals and clients/users).

career opportunities:

- Companies in the publishing, journalism, advertising and professional writing, editorial and journalistic sectors, in Italy and abroad, including online/web publishing.

Graduates with sufficient credits in appropriate subject groups, will be able to take entrance exams to training programmes to teach, in accordance with the applicable legislation.


role in a work context:

Lexicographers conduct research and studies on grammar and terminology and analyse the interaction between language and ITC.

Lexicographer professional profile:

- coordinates projects and activities in the lexicography and grammar study sector;

- collaborates in the writing of dictionaries and lexicography works, vocabularies and linguistic manuals, carrying out specialist studies and researches, compiling entries and headwords;

- operates in the linguistic-information technology sector, with particular reference to the processing, elaboration and communication of empiric data.

To obtain more autonomy, higher levels of responsibility in their jobs and learn to master the methods and instruments that support their activities, graduates can be asked to acquire additional competencies through internships.

competencies associated with the role:

- specific knowledge, abilities and skills in linguistic, social and humanities areas;

- specialization and learning skills in one or more professional sectors;

- adequate transversal competencies involving communication and relationship skills, organisational, management planning skills, according to the level of autonomy and responsibility, the organisation and working methods adopted and the main interlocutors (colleagues, other professionals and clients/users).

career opportunities:

- executive employee and self-employed professional/consultant for public, private and third sector companies who produce dictionaries, manuals, electronic resources in the traditional and online publishing sector;

- companies specialised in automated language processing.

Graduates with sufficient credits in appropriate subject groups, will be able to take entrance exams to training programmes to teach, in accordance with the applicable legislation.


role in a work context:

Writers/Essayists conceive, write and offer the public professional creative and argumentative work.

Writer/Essayist professional profile:

- produces content as an independent writer for paper-based, on-line and any other media publishing sector;

- writes original content for traditional and on-line publishing companies, in Italy and abroad, targeting general or specific audiences (for example, first and second level primary and secondary school teachers and students; university lecturers and students; users and experts in various cultural fields; international communicators and mediators).

To obtain more autonomy, higher levels of responsibility in their jobs and learn to master the methods and instruments that support their activities, graduates can be asked to acquire additional competencies through post-degree vocational courses.

competencies associated with the role:

- knowledge of the needs of the world of culture in all its different articulations, in Italy and abroad;

- ability to write in a clear, precise and persuasive manner, and communicate with professionalism and originality;

- ability to formulate simple and complex text, from newspaper articles to short essays, books and multi-volume works.

career opportunities:

As self-employed professionals, Writers/Essayists offer their work to publishing companies, companies in the editorial sector, newspapers and magazines, institutions and bodies who need to communicate with the public via paper-based, audio-visual, television, electronic and multimedia content and other means of communication.

Graduates with sufficient credits in appropriate subject groups, will be able to take entrance exams to training programmes to teach, in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.