Curriculum Italian Studies
Second cycle degree/Two year Master in Italian Studies and European Literary Cultures

Visiting Professors

She is Associate Professor in Italian Studies at University College London. Her main research areas are: Italian literature and cultural studies; Futurism and European avant-gardes and Fascism.
Her publications include "Poesia surrealista italiana" (2007) and "L’Italia magica di Gianfranco Contini: storia e interpretazione" (2013).

Beatrice Sica

She is Professor in Italian Literature and Literature Translation at Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil.
Her main research interest are modern Italian Literature, Theatre and Commedia dell’Arte, literary translation.
Her publication includes the reference book on Commedia dell’ Arte “A loucura de Isabella e outras comédias da Comedia dell’Arte”.

Roberta Barni

She is Reader in Italian Language, Literature and Culture at the University of Cambridge. Her research brings together the history of linguistic thought and the history of women in Italy.
Among her publications are "Donne, precettistica e lingua nell’Italia del Cinquecento"(2007), "Women, Language and Grammar in Italy 1500-1900"(2011).

Helena Sanson

She is a cultural historian working with cinema, photography, and other written material. Her main research areas are gender history, history of race and racism, migration studies. Her publications include "Gioventù perduta. Gli anni Cinquanta dei giovani e del cinema in Italia" (2004).

Enrica Capussotti