Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Language, Society and Communication

Call Erasmus+ Mobility for Study 2025/26

The Erasmus+ Programme is a EU funded mobility programme allowing you to spend part of your university career studying in another EU or non EU country

You can attend courses, sit exams and earn credits for your studies.

You will receive a grant from the Erasmus+ programme to help you cover your costs.
As an Erasmus+ student, not only will you earn credits for your learning activities, but you will be also exempted from paying tuition fees at your host university (but not at your home university) and you will have access to all the services the host university offers its own students.

The University of Bologna coordinates many Erasmus+ Exchanges with almost 600 Universities in 40 countries.

Who can take part? Anyone who:

1. is regularly enrolled at the University of Bologna;

2. has adequate language skills;

3. submits a study plan of the classes to be taken at the the partner institution along with the corresponding reasons to do so.

Applicants to the Erasmus+ - Mobility for Study can carry out a total period in International mobility not exceeding 12 months for each cycle of studies (bachelor, master and phd). The 12 months are obtained from the sum of previous mobility experiences.

Erasmus, Erasmus Placement/Traineement, Erasmus Mundus Action 1 (carried out under the Lifelong Learning Programme) must be considered for the purposes of calculating the months already used.
Exchanges carried out under the OVERSEAS program are not included in the calculation of the 12 months.

In the same period in which they benefit from the Erasmus+ project funding, students cannot benefit from any other type of EU contribution or from Unibo funds allocated for a mobility period abroad.
They can, in the same academic year, participate in other exchange programs with the same purpose, but the exchange periods must be consecutive (not overlapping).

The Study Grants will be assigned according to what established each year by the Call for Applications – generally published in February – which regulates the procedure students should follow in order to present their candidatures for an Erasmus+ Study Grant for the next Academic Year.

General information on Erasmus+ study

The Erasmus +  call for applications A.Y. 2025/26

Language requirements for accessing the Erasmus+ Programme for the a.y. 2025/2026