Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Language, Society and Communication

Expected learning outcomes

Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione(Knowledge and Understanding)



- Know two foreign languages deeply, with great competency both in written and oral communication;

- Know and can interpret the sociolinguistic and cultural codes of the subjects involved in a communicative relation which takes place in two foreign languages;

- Possess specific linguistic, philological and intercultural knowledge of the foreign languages studies and of their effect on communicative situations;

- Possess specific linguistic, philological and intercultural knowledge in the production of oral and written texts of different genres.

The knowledge and understanding abilities above-mentioned are fulfilled by participating to the classes and seminars provided by the Course. The general setting of the Degree implies an appropriate amount of time to be dedicated to individual autonomous study, which allows students to develop a great capability to interpret the sociolinguistic and cultural codes of communicative situations. These expected learning outcomes are assessed by oral and/or written exams.



- Know deeply and are able to interpret linguistic, psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic codes of various communicative situations, of different texts genres, whether they are written and oral, monological, dialogical both in two foreign languages and in English (besides Italian);

- Are able to use ICT software applied to linguistic and communicative spheres.

The knowledge and understanding abilities above-mentioned are fulfilled by participating to the classes and seminars provided by the Course. The general setting of the Degree implies an appropriate amount of time to be dedicated to individual autonomous study, which allows students to develop a great capability to interpret the sociolinguistic and cultural codes of communicative situations. These expected learning outcomes are assessed by oral and/or written exams.



- Are able to apply their linguistic and semiotic knowledge to the comprehension of issues related to economic, social and cultural integration – particularly in the European context – and to the peculiarities of the social changes determined by the economic and anthropological context and by the linguistic interferences;

- Possess inter-disciplinary knowledge related to international economics and politics and to the juridical and business context, as well as in the field of cultural sociology, communication, history and geography of the areas related to the languages studied.

- Know the latest transformations in economics and the theories of management and develop of the resources related to them.

The knowledge and understanding abilities above-mentioned are fulfilled by participating to the classes and seminars provided by the Course. The general setting of the Degree implies an appropriate amount of time to be dedicated to individual autonomous study, which allows students to develop a great capability to interpret the sociolinguistic and cultural codes of communicative situations. These expected learning outcomes are assessed by oral and/or written exams

Capacità di applicareconoscenza e comprensione (Applying Knowledge and Understanding)



- Possess a great competency of the theoretical and practical instruments to decode and produce various specialized texts often used in international communication;

- Are able to apply their linguistic, semiotic and cultural knowledge of the languages studied to the comprehension of specific economic and anthropological contexts and of their changes;

- Are able to manage multilingual communications, even when linguistic interferences are involved;

- Are able to negotiate – at an interlinguistic level – in multimedia communicative processes (both written and oral).

The above-mentioned knowledge and understanding are achieved thanks to a critical reflection:

- on the texts proposed, both for class activities and individual study;

- on the linguistic competence;

and to the accurate research both bibliographical and in the field: carrying out individual and group researches is also a major instrument to achieve the knowledge and understanding.

Assessment is verified by means of: oral and written exams, reports, preparation of written papers which require students to prove their analysis and synthesis ability and the use of different methodologies with a critical and organizational autonomy.

An active participation of the students – also in terms of proposals – the ability of an autonomous formulation and communication of their results, developed during their study period, are considered extremely relevant and their application is verified when the final examination is taken.

To this extent, a great importance is given to the in-depth analysis and the elaboration of the knowledge requested by the individual study. The final examination is the final step in terms of assessment of knowledge and understanding.



- Are able to use ICT in interlinguistic and intercultural communication;

- Are able to negotiate – at a linguistic and cultural level – in contexts of oral and written communication, autonomously and with a high competency of the various semiotic codes.

The above-mentioned knowledge and understanding are achieved thanks to a critical reflection:

- on the texts proposed, both for classa ctivities and individual study;

- on the linguistic competence;

and to the accurate research both bibliographical and in the field: carrying out individual and group researches is also a major instrument to achieve the knowledge and understanding.

Assessment is verified by means of: oral and written exams, reports, preparation of written papers which require students to prove their analysis and synthesis ability and the use of different methodologies with a critical and organizational autonomy.

An active participation of the students – also in terms of proposals – the ability of an autonomous formulation and communication of their results, developed during their study period, are considered extremely relevant and their application is verified when the final examination is taken.

To this extent, a great importance is given to the in-depth analysis and the elaboration of the knowledge requested by the individual study. The final examination is the final step in terms of assessment of knowledge and understanding.



- Are able to apply their interdisciplinary knowledge to the comprehension of the issues related to the economic, social and cultural integration – particularly in the European context – and to the peculiarities of the social changes determined by the economic and anthropological context and by the linguistic interferences;

- Know the elements of an efficient communication – also in the field of business andcommerce – and are able to communicate with international interlocutors in problem-solving processes;

- Are able to solve problems and to take decisions by organizing and planning theiractivity autonomously or in groups with a spirit of enterprise and entrepreneurship.

The above-mentioned knowledge and understanding are achieved thanks to a critical reflection:

- on the texts proposed, both for class activities and individual study;

- on the linguistic competence;

and to the accurate research both bibliographical and in the field: carrying out individual and group researches is also a major instrument to achieve the knowledge and understanding.

Assessment is verified by means of: oral and written exams, reports, preparation of written papers which require students to prove their analysis and synthesis ability and the use of different methodologies with a critical and organizational autonomy.

An active participation of the students – also in terms of proposals – the ability of an autonomous formulationand communication of their results, developed during their study period, are considered extremely relevant and their application is verified when the final examination is taken.

To this extent, a great importance is given to the in-depth analysis and the elaboration of the knowledge requested by the individual study. The final examination is the final step in terms of assessment of knowledge and understanding.

Autonomia di giudizio (Making Judgements)


- Can face complex issues related to the area of linguistic communication with a specific ability in terms of analysis and autonomous judgment.

- Are able to identify the actions to foster the removal of linguistic and cultural bounds;

- Are able to evaluate the positions of prestige and diffusions of the languages in the cultural, historical and political process: they can formulate critical analysis on the dynamics which can influence them;

The autonomous judgment is developed thanks to seminars, the preparation of papers – as far as the compulsory disciplines are concerned – and with the activity assigned by the supervisor of the final examination. The assessment of the Making Judgments ability is carried out by the evaluation of the Learning activities, while the evaluation of the level of autonomous judgment and work is constantly assessed during the entire career.

Abilità comunicative (Communication Skills)


- Possess a great competency in two foreign languages – both in active and passiveabilities – at a CEFR C2 level;

- Possess a great ability in the written and oral communication and are able to act in heterogeneous and multicultural contexts;

- Are able to elaborate complex analysis, also based on incomplete information and to develop autonomous reflections on issues related to specific fields;

The competence in the two foreign languages is developed particularly thanks to exercises that require laboratory activities and is assessed by means of oral and written exams and/or tests.

The oral and written communication skills are developed during the study period thanks to seminars and individual interventions that require the preparation of reports and oral expositions.

The acquisition of the above-mentioned is assessed by written papers, oral expositions, interventions in seminars and intext comprehensions. Moreover, the final examination gives students the chance to conduct a thorough analysis and to elaborate and communicate the work thats/he has carried out.

Capacità di apprendimento (Learning Skills)


- Are able to develop a specific vocabulary autonomously;

- Are able to learn and to practically apply the knowledge acquired in an analytical and synthetic method;

- Are able to use the analysis instruments and to apply the learning methodologies developed during their study period in order to enlarge and to keep their knowledge up-to-date ;

- Are able to identify the instruments and the specific training paths to develop their cultural and specialized knowledge and their professional competences. Learning skills are acquired during the entire study period, particularly thanks to individual study, the preparation of seminar projects and to the research conducted for the final examination.

Learning skills are assessed through various examinations during the whole study period: special attention will be drawn on deadlines, commitment in the presentation of the data autonomously tracked and to the planning of the final examination.