Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Language, Society and Communication

Guidance: career orientation service of Bologna

The Course of Study in Language, Society and Communication is actively engaged in orientation activities differentiated on the basis of individual needs, addressed to both high school students and the Course’s students and graduates.


A reorganization of teaching facilities and services is under way. Individual interviews are temporarily suspended. To ask for information please write to

Orientation for incoming students

Orientation for incoming students involves activities dedicated to high school students, designed to encourage a conscious planning of their academic career. At the office in via Zamboni 34 there are several orientation tools available:
​-  Open Day – Open Courses Bachelor’s Degree Courses (approximately March/April)
-  Open Day of Presentation of the Training Offer (from May to July)
-  Meeting with students of Secondary Schools
-  Tutor of orientation
-  Individual interviews

Open Day dates, as soon as available, are published in the “Events” section of the Course of Study website.

In order to support the students enrolled during their training stage, a tutoring service has been introduced. Tutors actively support students by trying to guide them and help them during their university experience. The tutors, who have already gained a direct experience ​in using the services as students, are supported by the staff of the Didactic Office. 
The staff of the Didactic Office has the task of keeping  alumni and students informed about the Plan of Reform of Academic Studies, about the training activities of the Degree programs, about the Study Plan and the validation of credits as a result of passages/transfers/options.
The Course of Study in Language, Society and Communication provides students and teachers on a timely basis with information material on the Course's offerings (both in paper and electronic format). During the orientation events it will be possible to attend the presentations held by the lecturers and talk with the teaching and administrative staff in order not only to clarify the doubts and understand the specific features of the Degree programs, but also to realize which are the differences among each of them, to know the type of training  and the offered job prospects.

Graduates and/or final year students of the Course of Study, in order to have easier access to employment, after appointment can benefit from a personalized service to help improve their CVs and to acquire strategies for effectively facing a job interview. It is possible to request an individual interview by sending an e-mail to
Students coming from outside Bologna can request, on appointment, a long distance interview through Skype.

Incoming and Inline Orientation Service

Interviews, on appointment, take place in via Zamboni 34, Bologna.
To require an appointment is necessary to send an e-mail to

Post degree Orientation Service

The “Check Point CV, on appointment, takes place in via Zamboni 34, Bologna.
In order to set an appointment, please use the following link: select a date and a time in the calendar in which you are available, send the request by clicking on “Invia una richiesta di appuntamento” at the bottom right and wait the mail of confirmation of the appointment.


Tutor of Acceptance and Orientation

The tutor of acceptance and orientation – given his/her experience within the active training at the Course of Study in Language, Society and Communication – represents a useful point of reference for students with regards to their relationships with teachers and, more in general, with regards to the organization of the activities connected to their training courses.

Each year, from the beginning of the lessons in September until November, the information and orientation desk will be activated at the LILEC Department in via Cartoleria 5, entirely managed by the tutor. Such a professional figure supports and strengthens the service of orientation which is active throughout the year at the Course of Study.

Dates and times of reception are annually published on the portal's home page of the School of Languages and Literatures, Translation and Interpretation.


The tutor acts like an interface between the students and the course of study and provides a concrete point of reference for finding  information on, for example, how to access the course and the development of the didactic activities. 
Students can also contact the tutor to report any request related to logistical or organizational aspects.
The tutor – as a figure of support and reinforcement of the Course of Study LSC – carries out a personalized learning support activity for those students who, for work or other reasons, have a greater difficulty in maintaining a clear planning of their academic career.