Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Law, Economics and Governance

Crash course in Principles of Law

The course will be held online and will start on September 9

Published on 02 September 2024

The Crash Course in Principles of Law aims to broadly illustrate the cardinal principles of legal science, with the primary intention of providing students with some of the tools necessary to handle the legal courses in the Master's Degree Programme in Law, Economics, and Governance.
In particular, general topics such as the major legal systems in the world, the structure of legal norms, as well as more specific subjects such as EU law and the main branches of private law (property, bonds, contracts, civil liability and corporate law) will be covered. The approach will be comparatist, to illustrate topics that can apply across multiple systems.

Course teaching tutor: Dr. Davide Vitale

Link to the lessons:

The course timetable is available at the following link: