Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Law, Economics and Governance

Preparation for the final examination abroad

What does 'preparation for the final examination abroad' mean?

It means spending a maximum of 6 months at a University or institution abroad in order to improve your knowledge of the subject of your final examination.

The activity carried out will be recognised in your transcript in the form of credits allocated to the preparation for the final examination abroad.

How do you do it?

You need to prepare a study or research project and have the approval of a referent teacher highlighting the relevance of the mobility to the proposed location.
You must submit your application in response to a call for applications, which is usually published by the Department or by the Degree Programme itself. When a call is published, information will be provided via the Degree Programme website and the Unibo website for Calls.

Is there a grant available?

It is possible to grant financial support to cover part of the costs associated with living abroad. The amount may be fixed or variable according to the criteria of each call, but it must be between € 1000 and € 3100 (before tax).

You cannot receive more than one grant for the same mobility period.

Can I go abroad without a scholarship?

If you apply for a call for thesis abroad and are considered eligible in the final ranking, you will be authorised to carry out the activity abroad in the place and for the period indicated in your application. This authorisation includes insurance cover and the possibility of obtaining full credit for the research carried out abroad.

Can I leave after graduation?

Some calls are open to recent graduates (within 6 months of graduation). In these cases, the research must be aimed at publishing a scientific article on the topic of the final thesis. 

Is there insurance?

If you are going abroad for preparing your final examination you will be covered by insurance against accidents and civil liability to third parties. If necessary, you can ask for a copy of the relevant documents.

What to do on return?

At the end of your stay you will have to send documents proving that you have actually carried out your research abroad, in accordance with the terms of the call for which you applied.

If, after the grant has been awarded, an impediment to the regular use of the grant arises (e.g. maternity, serious and documented illness), the right to receive the grant will be maintained and the amount will be paid once the impediment has been overcome.

Does it change anything for the graduation application?

No, you will have to follow the procedure and deadlines set by the Degree Programme, applying for graduation according to the established timetable and identifying a supervisor according to the programme regulations.

For more information about graduation procedures and grade, please consult the dedicated page on the programme website.