Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Law, Economics and Governance

Programme aims

This second-cycleInternational Degree Programme in Law, Economics and Governance trains legal,economic and financial experts and consultants with particular competencies inthe regulation of economic activities, corporate law and business contracts, aswell as advanced economic and financial competencies, with specific referenceto corporate governance, market regulations, economics of innovation andfinancial decision-making, the economics of intellectual property, as well asstatistical and quantitative skills. These professional figures can work indifferent organisational contexts, including industrial and commercialbusinesses, particularly in the field of information and communicationtechnology, public undertakings, consulting firms, legal firms and banking andfinancial services. The programme sets out to provide students with a Europeanand international perspective to foster the growth of small, medium and largepublic and private organisations.
The multidisciplinary nature ofthe programme is applied to a variety of legal, economic and financial courseunits available to the students as well as to the interdisciplinary approach toeach subject, presenting both legal and economic and financial aspects in anorganic, coordinated manner. Innovatively responding to the growing need towork in multi-professional and multicultural contexts, students also acquiresoft skills in people management, teams and organisational processes, needed tohold positions of responsibility in resource management. International marketsare the benchmark of choice in the course units, and with this in mind,students develop the ability to communicate with various partners in differentfields and cooperate in globally distributed teams.
The programme has the followingspecific learning outcomes:
- know how to develop advanced,multidisciplinary and integrated understanding of key economic, financial andlegal contexts;
- be able to analyse economic andfinancial data and information (economic indexes, forecasts, etc.);
- be able to perform economic,financial and legal research activities;
- know how to take advantage ofcareer opportunities, acquiring competencies in the fields of finance,innovation, corporate law and market regulation;
- be able to apply methods toanalyse and take complex decisions in international contexts;
- acquire the ability tocommunicate, perform research and analyse information in a global,multicultural environment;
- be able to critically assessthe rigour and validity of information sources, and their relevance fororganisational decisions;
- acquire abilities in theintegrated application of economic, financial and legal theories and analyticaltechniques for managing organisational problems and opportunities;
- know how to critically evaluatethe impact of rules on business transactions and profitability, where possiblelearning to select the most efficient ones using instruments, contractualclauses and corporate governance strategies.
These objectives are achievedthrough a study plan integrating legal and economic competences, offeringstudents the opportunity to tackle complex organisational problems in amultidisciplinary and international perspective. In the first year, studentsdevelop legal and economic knowledge with an integrated vision of identificationand discussion of key topics through mandatory law course units and mandatoryeconomics course units. Again, in the first year, students acquire “soft”skills that are particularly useful in an interclass degree, blendingcomplementary visions, in the field of the sociology of organisations andknowledge of statistics which is indispensable for conducting economic andfinancial analyses
In the second year, in themandatory course units, the programme aims to study topics relating tointernational businesses and markets, particularly European ones, from a legal,economic and financial standpoint. Students then choose between two integratedcourse units focusing on topics of increasing relevance for businesses ininternational contexts, including the regulation of the digital market and themanagement and protection of intellectual property. Finally, students candecide to opt for specialist competences in the field of applied economics andfinancial science or in the legal field, covering tax, agro-food and transportlaw.
The study programme provides acombination of theoretical models and concepts and the presentation anddiscussion of real cases and problems, with intermediate tests accompanying thestudents to achieve the learning outcomes of each course unit.
Finally, students have theopportunity to study in laboratories and seminars as well as an optionalinternship in institutions and organisations, with a view to their futureprofessional activities.