Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Law, Economics and Governance


Professional profiles

professional profile

Legal,economic and financial manager

Function in a professional context:
Legal, economic and financialmanagers perform the following activities:

- planning and coordination ofthe rationalisation and management of economic and financial resources;
- definition and supervision ofthe organisation's legal policies;
- planning and use of fundingsources, with particular reference to European and international financinginstitutions;
- assurance of conformity to the principlesregulating activities and services in European and international contexts.

They also manage organisationalrelations in the following areas:
- planning and control andinternal and external communication;
- application of ethicalprinciples to legal, economic and financial organisational decisions;
- coordination of globallydistributed teams to define economic and financial strategies and businessgovernance strategies;
- cooperation with external legalexperts to define contractual policies and legal actions at national, Europeanand international level.

Competencies associated to the function:
- know how to assess thesuitability of the principles and legal regulations of European andinternational law and the available financial instruments, and use them tobuild business relations in a national, European and international context;
- know how to apply ethicalprinciples to business decisions;
- know how to assign decisionsand responsibilities, managing and coordinating staff activities;
- be able to manage virtual teams;
- know how to collect and analysedata using statistical analyses;
- know how to manage the legaland financial problems of various company functions, assessing theirimplications on other areas and on the organisation as a whole.

Career opportunities:
Local and international, publicand private organisations:
- industrial and service companies,particularly in the field of information and communication technology;
- commercial firms;
- innovative start-ups;
- consortia and business andconsumer associations;
- development agencies/financialinstitutions, public authorities.

Legal, economic and financial consultant

Function in a professionalcontext:
Legal, economic and financialconsultants are responsible for the following activities:

- analysis of statistical datarelating to key economic and financial indicators;
- identification of problems andopportunities in the legal, economic and financial field and the definition ofmethods for tackling them;
- evaluation of the advantagesand disadvantages of potential strategies in the legal, economic and financialfields;

- research activities throughquestionnaires and interviews to develop knowledge of the task environment,with particular attention to the European and international context;

- guidance and support tomanagement concerning choices and policies to assure conformity with thenational, European and international regulations in force;
- negotiation of agreements onbehalf of the organisation;
- definition of actions toprotect the organisation from potential risks and legislative andadministrative breaches.

In addition:
- presentation of key informationto various stakeholders;
- support to organisationalmanagers in the implementation of agreed economic and financial decisions;
- coordination with theorganisational managers for project implementation;
- cooperation in the drafting of documentsto support organisational operations;
- assistance in designingtraining projects on European and international legal, economic and financialtopics.

Competencies associated to the function:
- Know how to conduct researchand collect economic and financial data;
- know how to analyse legal,economic and financial information;
- know how to identify problemsand opportunities in a national, European and international context;
- know how to formulatehypotheses and solutions to identified problems and opportunities;
- know how to manage short- andlong-term projects and programmes;
- know how to organise and managework groups;
- be able to organise and managework in virtual environments.

career opportunities:
- Banking and financial servicescompanies;
- Legal firms;
- Consulting companies.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.