The purpose of the internship is to develop an original experimental research program, allowing the student to broaden the scientific knowledge and skills acquired during the theoretical courses. The final writing and presentation of the thesis will help students acquire skills in scientific dissemination in the field of medical biotechnology.
The internship is an educational experience that is an integral part of the degree program. It is also an important requirement for the degree as it ends with the writing of a master's degree thesis based on the research project agreed with the Academic Tutor.
The internship can be carried out at the end of the lessons of the 1st semester of the 2nd year, inside or outside the University of Bologna, in Italy or abroad. For internships abroad please refer to this wepbage.
Internship application
a) Internship in laboratories of the University of Bologna
To apply, students must identify, together with the Tutor/Supervisor, the laboratory in which it will be possible to develop the Thesis Project.
Before starting the internship, students must submit an application by sending the following forms, available as attachments:
Once filled in, the forms need to be sent by e-mail to the Internship Supervisor.
b) Internship in biotechnology companies or private laboratories outside the university
To apply, students must identify, together with the Tutor / Supervisor, the Laboratory in which it will be possible to develop the Thesis Project by following this procedure:
In both cases, the internship application will be approved or rejected by the Degree Program Board in the first useful meeting. The students will receive the submitted modules duly signed. It is not permitted to apply for an internship at another Italian university.
At the end of the internship, please have the Academic Tutor fill in the “Certification of Intern's performance” and send it to the Degree Programme Director to have the internship recorded.
Academic tutor for the thesis
The Academic Tutor, who acts as the supervisor of the thesis, must be a professor of the Degree Course in Medical Biotechnology, or a professor of a disciplinary scientific sector (SSD) included in the Degree Program in Medical Biotechnology and belonging to one of the departments of the School of Medicine (DIMEC, DIBINEM). Furthermore, the figure of the co-supervisor can be appointed if the person who directly supervises the student's experimental activities is different from the Academic Tutor.
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Certification of Intern's Performance
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How can we help you: Choosing the internship or placement that best suits your needs and academic career.
Contact person's name for the office Giorgio Medici