Graduates in Medical Biotechnology must have general knowledge to use a multidisciplinary approach to solving complex problems in the biotechnological field. Mandatory training activities in the Degree Programme therefore aim to provide students with integrated knowledge in both biomolecular and basic medical disciplines, and, in particular, with the knowledge necessary to understand complex biological systems at the cellular and molecular level, and of the biological processes related to them, so as to be able to take action and modify them with biotechnological methods.
Graduates in Medical Biotechnology:
- have good knowledge of the morphology and functions of the human organism;
- know the cellular and molecular aetiopathogenesis of the most relevant human pathologies;
- know the congenital or acquired pathological conditions in which it is possible to intervene with a biotechnological approach;
- know the clinical diagnostic process of the main human diseases, including applied technologies.
This knowledge is acquired through participation in lectures, laboratories for individual benchwork, and classroom exercises; through specialized laboratory activities and through the critical reading of scientific texts analyzed individually and in groups.
The assessment of knowledge and understanding is carried out through written and / or oral tests and through seminars focused on individual critical reading of recent scientific articles.
Graduates in Medical Biotechnology:
- knows how to use the main methodologies and instruments that characterize biotechnologies for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases;
- know how to study and apply preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, based on biotechnology, in the context of human pathology;
- know how to apply EU legislation concerning the testing of medicines;
- know how to use IT, bioinformatics and statistics in an appropriate way.
The ability to apply knowledge is acquired through extensive experience gained in teaching laboratories with individual benchwork and in research laboratories for the preparation of the graduation thesis. The evaluation of the expected results is carried out through written reports and subsequent discussion of laboratory experiences, through the experience gained during the preparation of the thesis and the final exam.
Graduates in Medical Biotechnology:
- are able to recognize (even with specific diagnostic tests) the interactions between microorganisms and humans;
- are able to identify the innovative elements in projects for the development of new drugs;
- are able to recognize the major ethical problems related to clinical trials;
- are able to autonomously review and judge specific problems related to his/her own professional activity;
- are able to work independently, and to hold positions of responsability in projects and organizations;
- are able to use scientific instruments related to biotechnology, and are able to organize laboratory activities employing innovative technologies;
- are able to analyze, organize and disseminate data deriving from experimental protocols, including critical discussion and analysis of biotechnology-related scientific issues;
- are able to interact with different work environments;
- are able to interpret bibliographic information, experimental data and scientific literature.
Students will develop autonomy of judgement by reading scientific articles or literature dedicated to a topic. In order to gain autonomous judgement, students will carry out a specific project, which could be either a thesis project or a scientific project, with a dedicated number of formative university credits (CFU) and culminating in the production of a dissertation with bibliography. The evaluation of autonomous judgement will be carried out through the presentation of seminars and, at the end of the degree course, by the discussion of the dissertation.
Graduates in Medical Biotechnology:
- are able to work in a team in planning and organizing laboratory activities;
- have developed analytical skills for the management and communication of experimental data in a scientific framework;
- have developed social and communication skills to work also in international contexts;
- are able to disseminate experimental results and information to the general public;
- are able to discuss and write about topics of interest related to the degree course, using the appropriate language and analytic skills for different working environments;
- are fluent in written and spoken English;
- are able to write technical and scientific reports in English.
Communication skills will be continuously developed through partecipation in seminars and practical laboratory activities that are integral to many of the learning activities of the degree course. A significant part for the development of communication skills is the preparation of the degree thesis, with periodic discussion of the work and results achieved with the Dissertation Supervisor, and the final dissertation presentation using multimedia devices to an appointed Dissertation Committee.
Graduates in Medical Biotechnology:
- are able to plan and organize laboratory activities and develop further experimental strategies;
- are able to stay up-to-date about the regulations, methods, technologies and relevant biotechnological instruments, also through the use of bibliographic resources, fundamental in an ever-changing field;
- have acquired a study methodology and goal-oriented working skills to conduct research independently and in a team;
- are able to select and interpret data and information;
- have the learning skills to carry out successive studies with high degree of autonomy;
- meet criteria for access to higher level degree courses (Professional Master's Programmes (2nd Level), PhD Programmes and, subject to passing the State Exam, Specialization Schools).
Learning skills will be developed through active participation of students in lectures and laboratories. During these activities, instructors will stimulate students to continuous and in-depth learning by using numerous teaching instruments, such as up-to-date didactic material, technical documents, and e-learning platforms, relative to the topics presented during lectures and laboratory activities. Students will be also encouraged to use online search engines and principal databases to find up-to-date scientific information, in order to develop the skills to autonomously gain state-of the-art knowledge in a specific research area.
Learning skills will be evaluated through continuous written and/or oral tests held during the course of teaching activities, aimed at assessing the student’s capacity to integrate knowledge learnt in class and through personal study, and by critically evaluating student’s contribution during exercise activities and seminars.
Finally, the student’s ability to use adequate and advanced methods of learning will also be verified by the preparation of the Dissertation for final graduation under the guidance of the Dissertation Supervisor and evaluated by the Dissertation Committee.