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Sanità Pubblica che fu

A focus on the establishment and transformation of the Italian National Health Service (SSN)

15 March 2024 from 18:15 to 21:00

Aula Magna Clinica Medica "Viola" - Pad. 11 - In presence event

Event dedicated both an in-depth study of the laws that led to the establishment and transformation of the Italian National Health Service (SSN), and of the movements that led to its formation. This event responds to the need to build an adequate education for students in order to take an active part in building the future prospects of the National Health service in which we will be working.



  • Luca Negrogno, who deals with training and research in the field of socio-health policies and mental health services;
  • Francesco Taroni, professor of Social Medicine.

The event will be held in Italian language.

For further information: