Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Medical Biotechnology

Programme aims

The Second Cycle Degree Programme in Medical Biotechnology aims to form professionals who have a high level of competence in the planning, scientific development and technical production of biotechnologies applied to human health, and who can therefore assum functions with a high degree of responsibility. The Degree Programme also aims to prepare specialized graduates with profound biomedical culture, concerning the relationships between structure and function of biomolecules and biosystems at the cellular, tissue and human levels in physiological and pathological conditions, and in-depth biotechnological knowledge, also acquired through solid practical laboratory experience.The Second Cycle Degree Programme in Medical Biotechnology follows a learning path which involves the acquisition by the student of basic knowledge:- on the medical aspects of the most important areas of human anatomy, physiology and pathology;- on pathological processes of human interest, with reference to their cellular and molecular pathogenetic mechanisms;- on the main methodologies that characterize molecular and cellular biotechnologies also for the purpose of prevention, diagnosis and therapy of human diseases.The learning path of the Second Cycle Degree Programme in Medical Biotechnology also includes the acquisition by the student of specific skills in the following areas:1) bioinformatics;2) analysis of nucleic acids and proteins with advanced technologies and their application in the biomedical field for the purpose of basic research, diagnostics and therapy;3) cell manipulation and use of advanced cellular technologies for targeted therapy and cellular, tissue and organ bioengineering;4) post-genomics for the derivation of the genetic structures of individuals with the aim of prevention, evaluation of predisposition and targeted therapy of diseases in humans;5) biotechnological applications in the diagnosis and therapy of oncological diseases;6) methodologies that characterize molecular and cellular biotechnologies for the study of drugs, biopharmaceuticals, diagnostics and vaccines for therapeutic purposes.The acquired skills will be applied to different fields of medicine such as: oncology, neuroscience, hematology, cardiology, forensic medicine, gynecology and obstetrics, transplantation, endocrinology, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, dentistry, tissue engineering and use of biomaterials.The Second Cycle Degree Programme in Medical Biotechnology also includes learning areas characterized by specific learning objectives related to the professional profile that the programme aims to produce.