Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Molecular and Cell Biology

Erasmus incoming students

Useful info for incoming exchange students at the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology & Department for Life Quality Studies (Sport Science Area)

Incoming exchange students Pharmacy and Biotechnology & Sport Sciences Areas

Welcome to the University of Bologna! From now on use your Unibo ID and password to access Unibo services and check your e-mail address regularly.

Read carefully this page, the complete guide for incoming exchange students where you will find all information useful for your period in Bologna: mobility preparation, check-in (arrival) procedure, during the mobility activities and final check-out, useful tips to find accommodation and all useful contacts for incoming exchange students.


Welcome Session 23-24

On March 4 (13-15 hours) Aula A Via Irnerio 48 there will be a welcome meeting for Erasmus incoming students of Pharmacy, Biotech and Sports where we will explain all the procedures to follow during your exchange period.

The meeting will be accessible on TEAMS as well, through this link:


Academic Calendar

Erasmus exchange students usually arrive in Bologna a few weeks before lesson start to know the city and its university.

The academic calendar for a.y. 2023/2024 of the Pharmacy and Biotechnology Area is as follows: 

Usually there are three exam dates (“appelli”) for each exam period. For more info about each course you can contact the relevant professor. 

Learning Agreement (LA)

As an exchange student you can select every course from the Pharmacy and Biotechnology and Sport Sciences Areas according your mobility semester. Under each course you can find its timetable.

You can find the courses you like using the course catalogue and using the filters for language of teaching, area, campus, course type, etc.

BEWARE! There are many rules you should respect when you fill your Learning Agreement (LA):

  • If you come for one semester only, you can select courses from that semester only. You can’t select annual courses or from previous/later semesters;
  • If you wish to take a course from a different department or campus, send an e-mail asking for approval to the relevant International Mobility Office, with a declaration from your university stating your enrolment year from your university attached. Forward their approval e-mail to our address (
  • After deciding your courses you will fill your LA writing for each Unibo course the Unibo code, the course code, the semester and the number of credits. Please fill the LA digitally, save the file in .pdf format using the name “LA – FAMILY NAME LA version number(1.0, 2.0 o 3.0)”.

You must upload your LA on EWP or your AlmaRM profile. It is advisable to upload the LA on AlmaRM early and check your home University deadlines. If you are coming to Bologna in the first semester you should upload your LA before the end of July, if you are coming in the second semester you should upload your LA before the end of January.

If you need help to fill the LA, you can contact our office and, for advice on the courses you should attend, you can ask to the Erasmus exchange coordinator professor at Unibo (his/her name are shown in your AlmaRM page).

If your LA is rejected, you will receive a message from AlmaRM and we will send you an e-mail with details on how to change it; upload the modified version on AlmaRM.

Remember that course timetables and syllabus might change shortly before lesson start. If you have already uploaded your LA and you want to change it you should wait a few weeks after lesson start before you upload the new version on AlmaRM. Keep in mind that you can’t change the LA more than three times during your mobility.

After your LA is approved and you have done the check-in at Unibo, remember to prepare your online study plan. This operation is necessary to book and register the exams.


Italian language courses for incoming exchange students

Our Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (CLA) offers Italian language courses to incoming exchange students after a compulsory registration. Remember to check the course registration deadlines (places are limited). More info on Italian language courses for incoming students could be found in this page.

Change your Erasmus period

You can ask to lengthen your Erasmus period following the instructions here. We remind you that only the LAs for the correct Erasmus period will be approved; if you ask to lengthen your Erasmus period please wait until approval before changing your LA.

Check-out and Transcript of Records

The check-out is compulsory for all incoming exchange students. Check all the info about the Check-outTranscript of Records and Attendance certificate.

Remember to check often your Unibo e-mail address because all communications from Unibo office will be sent to your Unibo e-mail address.


Welcome to Bologna!