Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Molecular and Cell Biology

Programme aims

The Second cycle degree programme in Molecular and Cell Biology is aimed at training professional Biologists with molecular and cellular competencies. Specifically, graduates in Molecular and Cell Biology are experts in professional activities and projects infields related to biological, biochemical and biomolecular subjects, with particular focus on understanding cellular and molecular phenomena and the related modifications, the dissemination of this knowledge and its application in industry, the tertiary sector and various fields of public administration. All learning activities are performed in English, and involve the acquisition of in-depth knowledge at molecular level of cells and living organisms, and the related methodologies, as well as the competencies required to perform research,development or analytical activities in molecular-cellular biological laboratories in various national and international contexts, also considering the requirements for entering the profession of Biologist in Italy.

In the first year of the programme, core course units are held in Physical Cell Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cellular Biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics, Animal and Plant Physiology, Microbiology. Lectures are integrated with single-station laboratory work. The second year includes some elective course units on frontier topics in the field of molecular and cellular biology, activities aiming at acquiring the transferable skills required for entering the job market an internship for the preparation of an experimental dissertation and the final examination, which consists in the dissertation discussion with the examination board.