Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Molecular and Cell Biology


Professional profiles

professional profile


Function in a professional context:

The program meaims at training molecular and cellular Biologists. Specifically, Biologists have knowledge at molecular and cellular level of animals, plants andmicro-organisms, in the fields of molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry,genetics and physiology.
1. design, develop and process theresults of the experimental activity performed in laboratories of research or analysis, in the fields of biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, genetics and physiology of animals, plants and microorganisms:
- take part in activities focused on the promotion and development of technological and scientific innovation;
- use their knowledge of molecular physiology of plants and genetics for applications in the agricultural sector;
- design and develop specific cellular and animal models to understand the molecular mechanisms under lying neurodegenerative diseases;
- collaborate with oncologists to define the molecular and cellular mechanisms of tumorigenesis;
- coordinate environmental pollution monitoring activities;
- design and study genetically modified organisms for research purposes;
- design and implementexperimental protocols for genetic analyses in various sectors of medicine and in laboratories of theagricultural and veterinary sector;
- perform molecular analyses for diagnostic purposes;
- manage, collect and process biological data with information technologies;

2. organize activities of management and scientific dissemination:
- provide consulting services in service agencies for scientific research;
- collaborate in the dissemination of biological-molecular and cellular scientific topics, via the internet or throughpress reports.

Competencies associated to the function

To perform their functions, Biologists possess:
- theoretical and practical knowledge in the molecular and cellular field;
- the ability to design and conduct experiments;
- the ability to use scientificinstruments for advanced analyses;
- the ability to criticallyanalyse the results;
- the ability to effectively communicatethe results of their work;
- aptitude for continuous updating;
- the ability to work in a groupand interact with colleagues with different competencies in national andinternational contexts.

Career opportunities

Graduates inMolecular and Cell Biology can access to PhD programme degrees in Italy or abroad and, after passing the state exam, can register with the professional association of Biologists.
Career opportunities concern:
- Universities, public and private research bodies;
- Hospitals;
- Pharmaceutical, agro-food,chemical and biotechnological companies;
- Environmental toxicology and quality control laboratories;
- Public and private research centres and laboratories working in biomedical and nutritional diagnostics;
- Scientific research service agencies;
- Publishers, press agencies, webpress, for scientific dissemination.

Continuing to study

Graduates in Molecular and Cell Biology canaccess to PhD programme degrees in Italy or abroad and, afterpassing the state exam, can register with the professional association of Biologists.