Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Classrooms, labs and libraries


Most classes are held at the AULE NAVILE, UE1 Building - via della Beverara 123/1 (behind the Museum of Industrial Heritage). All Classrooms have free University WIFI and vary in equipment and capacity.

Study and IT Rooms

The Programme offers study and IT rooms that you can access at the AULE NAVILE)


Labs are a consistent part of this Degree Programme students' lives. The Programme offers a wide variety of labs in order to let students really interact with the subject and learn the proper methods and techniques. Our labs are equipped with the most modern and recent instruments and each student has his/her own single position, in order to have the unique chance to acquire the proper methodologies. Thanks to technology, Learning methods and highly-experienced tutors, labs are a reference point for all teaching activities.

Most labs activities are held at the Laboratori Didattici in via della Beverara 123.


The University of Bologna has a wide network of facilities, library and documentary services providing support for studies, teaching, research, professional and cultural activities. In particular, you can refer to Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Farmacia e Biotecnologie - FaBiT  and Biblioteca Biomedica Centrale