Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Expected learning outcomes

Graduates in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology have:
- In-depth knowledge of genetic and biochemical aspects of cell systems;
- In-depth knowledge of the structure, functions and interactions of biological macromolecules and of the organization of the related cellular processes;
- In-depth knowledge of molecular and cellular mechanisms of pathological processes, including those deriving from the interaction with viruses and microorganisms;
- Knowledge and ability in the use of the main methodologies related to molecular and cellular biotechnologies for the planning and production of biopharmaceuticals, vaccines and diagnostics;
- Knowledge and ability in the use of chemical and computational methodologies to identify active molecules on therapeutically interesting molecular targets; knowledge of specific technologies for molecular modelling, planning and formulation of innovative pharmaceuticals;
- Competences in the analysis of biopharmaceuticals, vaccines and diagnostics, particularly as far as the chemical, biological, pharmacological and toxicological aspects are concerned;
- Knowledge and ability in the use of bioinformatics methodologies to identify and create data bases, with particular reference to genomics and proteomics, and for the acquisition and distribution of scientific and technological information;
- Knowledge and applied abilities on the methodologies for the development of molecular nanostructures for the analysis, monitoring and therapy in human pathologies, and for the nano-formulation of biotechnological pharmaceuticals;
- Knowledge of the fundamental aspects of operational processes following the industrial production of biotechnological products and the formulation of biopharmaceuticals;
- Basic knowledge of the economy, organization and creation/management of companies, the management of innovative projects and marketing activities of biotechnological pharmaceutical products;
- Knowledge of national and EU law concerning bioethics, intellectual property and security in the biotechnology field;

Knowledge and Understanding are acquired through lectures and single-position laboratories. The assessment of knowledge and understanding is carried out through written and/or oral tests, possibly with seminars based on individual critical readings of scientific articles.