Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Programme aims

The main objective of the International Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology is to train future pharmaceutical biotechnologists and to provide high levels of theoretical knowledge, technological and experimental expertise to design, conduct and manage research and development activities in biotechnologies applied to health, for the design, characterization, production, analysis and formulation of innovative and biotechnological drugs.

The course offers a preparation that allows student to coordinate projects of development and surveillance of biotechnologies applied to human health, with a special reference to the development of pharmacological products and vaccines, not only from a health point of view, but also at an administrative and managerial level, thanks to the economic and juridical competencies they acquire during their University Career.

The Course is divided into three hematic areas: Biotechnological Disciplines, Pharmaceutical Biotechnological Disciplines and Applied Biotechnological Competencies. For all these areas, the educational path is articulated in theoretical and theoretical-practical courses which have compulsory attendance. During the courses students:

  • Examine cellular systems’ genetic and biochemical aspects in depth;
  • Analyse the structure, functions and interactions of biological macromolecules, as well as the organization of the related cellular processes;
  • Study the cellular and molecular mechanisms of pathological processes, including those deriving from the interaction with viruses and microorganisms;
  • Use the main methodologies related to molecular and cellular biotechnologies for the design and production of biopharmaceuticals, vaccines and diagnostics;
  • Use the chemical and computational methodologies to identify therapeutic agents and specific technologies related to molecular modelling, design and formulation of innovative drugs;
  • Analyse biopharmaceuticals, vaccines and diagnostics, particularly as far as their chemical, biological and pharmaco-toxicological aspects are concerned;
  • Apply bioinformatics methodologies to identify and build database, with special reference to genomics and proteomics and to acquire and divulgate scientific and technological information;
  • Applies methodologies to develop molecular nanostructure for the analysys, monitoring and therapy of human pathologies, as well as for the nano-formulation of biotechnological pharmaceuticals;
  • Learn the fundamental aspects of operation processes related to the industrial design of biotechnological products and formulation of biopharmaceuticals;
  • Acquire the fundamental notions of economy, organization, creation and management of companies, innovation projects, marketing activities related to biotechnological pharmaceutical products;
  • Know the national and European Union law concerning bioethics, intellectual property and security in the biotechnological field.