Entry rules
Students can enter their thesis project when they have obtained at least 55 ECTS in their career (and in any case not before the beginning of the first semester of the second year).
Choosing and proposing a subject
In order to graduate, students must carry out an experimental thesis project. The topic must be approved by a Professor of your degree programme, who will evaluate the consistency of the proposed topic with the study plan.
General aspects
The final dissertation of the second cycle degree programme in “Photochemistry and Molecular Materials” has an original experimental or theoretical character.
The request must be submitted via the Online Internship Service, which can be accessed by inputting the UNIBO username and password. This service can also be accessed via the Studenti Online platform.
The thesis project is carried out under the advice and guidance of a supervising professor usually belonging to the degree programme faculty. The Degree Programme Board may also decide to appoint the supervision to an external professor.
The thesis preparation may be completed within internal or external institutions or abroad; requests must be approved by the Degree Programme Board. Thesis supervision will be appointed to a Professor belonging to the degree programme faculty, who will be supported by a researcher belonging to the external institution as Co-supervisor.