Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Photochemistry and molecular materials

Rules for final examination and grade

Rules on preparing the dissertation for the final examination.

Final examination and grade

The final examination consists in an oral public defense of an original thesis in front of the Degree programme Examination Board.


The Board expresses its final assessment with a grade out of one hundred and ten, as a result of the following features:

  •  Weighted average (of the marks obtained) converted to a scale with grades up to 110
  • Max 7 points, made up of:
    • Supervisor’s mark: up to 4 points;
    • Examination board’s mark: up to 3 points
  • ‘Cum laude’ honours: 0.05 multiplied by ECTS credits of each exam passed with honours
  • ‘Cum laude’ honours final exam mark is awarded to students who have reached at least 113/110; the honours are proposed by the Supervisor and they are awarded by unanimous decision of the Examination Board.

The exam is deemed to be passed with a minimum grade of 66/110.

The Examination Board, appointed by the Degree Programme Director, is composed by the Degree Programme Director, three members belonging to the Degree Programme faculty and by the thesis project Supervisor. In case one of the members is the thesis Supervisor, the Degree Programme Director appoints a deputy member.


Final exams are public.

Editorial rules

The thesis must be written in English.

  • Length: between 50.000 and 100.000 types (space included);
  • Font type:  Times New Roman or Arial;
  • Font size: 12pt or 13pt (body) and 10pt (footnotes);
  • upper-lower, left-right margins of 2.5 cm
  • Line spacing: 1.5 cm

For the cover page, see file in the box