Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Physics

Information on writing the final dissertation

Choosing the subject and the rules on preparing the dissertation for the final examination.

Choosing and proposing a subject

To graduate, you must propose a dissertation subject to a Supervisor, who has to be a teacher/reasearcher of the DIFA (Department of Physics and Astronomy) or a teacher on contract  within your Degree Programme, who will assess the validity of your proposal in relation to your study plan. 

Upon approval of the academic board of the degree programme, students can propose their thesis also to any other teacher/researcher of other degree courses of the University of Bologna. In this case, students are requested to send a specific form (External supervisor form - the compiled form will be sent to your email address)  to the Degree Programme Office (, before starting the thesis project and at least 6 months before the thesis submission.

After having identified the thesis topic, students are requested to get in contact with the Supervisor to fix an interview and establish all relevant details.

Guidelines for thesis editing: formal requirements

The paper must be written in English. For students of the "Didattica e Storia della Fisica" curriculum only the paper can be written in Italian or in English.

In particular, the paper must have a title page as in the templates attached.

NOTE: it is forbidden to put the University of Bologna logo on the front page and on the thesis pages.