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6th edition of the Physical Sensing and Processing summer school "Physics for a better planet", July 8-12, 2024

The summer school, organized by the Department of Physics and Astronomy, is aimed at master's students in Physics, PhD students and young researchers, and is completely free.

Published on 13 June 2024

Dear all,

we are pleased to invite you to the 6th edition of the Physical Sensing and Processing summer school, organized by the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna, which this year will be entitled “Physics for a better planet.” It will be held in presence, July 8-12, 2024 at the Department of Physics. Find more details and the form to register here:

The summer school is aimed at master's students in Physics, PhD students and young researchers, and is completely free (lunches and snacks included).

You will have the opportunity to engage with cutting-edge research topics in materials science, health, geophysics, society and climate. The goal is to show how different areas of physics can help build a better planet. Computational labs will help you practice the topics presented. A certificate of participation will be awarded at the end of the school.