Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Physics

Invitation to GR1 seminar on muEDM experiment at INFN

The seminar will be held both online and in person, on March 14th at 11:00am

Published on 18 February 2025

On March 14 there will be a seminar about the muEDM experiment at PSI held by Angela Papa, Professor at the Pisa University and one of the initiators of the muEDM experiment.

The muEDM experiment aims at measuring the muon electric dipole momentum with an innovative technique. Below you can find more details about Prof. Angela Papa.

The seminar details are:
         date: 14 March 2025 at 11:00
         location:  Aula Riunioni (IR-1A), Via Irnerio 46, first floor
         indico page:

The ZOOM room will be soon set up and the link will be published once available.

Note that the Aula Riunioni has limited capacity, therefore the ZOOM connection is encouraged.
      Bacherol & Master at UniPi (both with 110/110 cum laude)
      2009 PhD at UniPi (Premio Conversi by  INFN);

Research Experience
     2009-2010 Post-doc at UniPi
     2010-2011 Post-Doc at PSI
     2011 Tenure track position at PSI concluded with the permanent
position at PSI as researcher
     2015 Rita Levi Montalcini Award
     Since 2018 Senior Scientist at PSI and also Ass. Prof. at UniPi&INFN

Scientific projects
   1) MEGII
      Responsible of the most intense muon beam at PSI used for the MEGII
      Technical and run coordinator of the MEGII experiment

   2) Mu3e
      Beam line scientist

   3) HiMB&muCOOL
      Project leader of the commissioning of the new beam lines at PSI 
of the High Intensity Muon beam and muon cooling projects at PSI.

    4) muEDM
      One of the initiators of the project and spokesperson