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Last lecture of the "Software & Computing for Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics" course (prof. Bonacorsi) - 31/05/2024 from 09:30 to 11:00 am

Double interview with two invited guests: Dr. Tommaso Boccali (INFN Pisa) and Dr. Stefano Bagnasco (INFN Torino)

Published on 30 May 2024

On Friday 31/05, from 09:30 to 11:00, within the context of the last lecture of the "Software & Computing for Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics" course, an informal mini-event in the style of a "double interview" will be held in the "Laboratorio Informatico" on the ground floor of Via Irnerio 46, with two invited guests: Dr. Tommaso Boccali (INFN Pisa) and Dr. Stefano Bagnasco (INFN Torino), respectively (former) computing coordinator for the CMS experiment at LHC, and (current) computing coordinator for the future Einstein Telescope (ET). The two guests - connected on Teams, and active on scientific and technological topics related to the course content - will answer questions that may help students, just at the end of the course, to understand which challenges are common to both CMS and ET experiments (despite their vast differences), and which challenges are indeed entirely different. It will also be possible to get acquainted with their personal vision of the profession they practice, what their normal workday looks like, what skills are needed for their roles and how to build them, and how the type of research they conduct today will evolve in the future.

The event is an integral part of the course (last lesson), and will be moderated by Prof. Daniele Bonacorsi, who will ask questions to the speakers in a "double interview" format in the first part, then leave space for questions from the audience in the second part.

Everyone interested - students or ex-students! - is invited to participate and join us in the Q&A event with the guests.