Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Physics


Graduates in Physics are appreciated for their open-minded, multi-disciplinary approach and for their ability of applying the scientific method to the analysis and resolution of complex problems, in various fields of physics as well as in other science-related sectors.  

Graduates will be able to continue their education in Advanced Master and/or Doctoral Schools worldwide. 

Also, they have career opportunities in Italian and foreign public agencies or private companies in the field of:

·      Research and development

·      Applications and technology innovation

·      Scientific outreach and teaching

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Find out more about the Ministerial Single Annual Report (SUA-CdS - Single Annual Report on Degree Programmes)

Corso di Physics - codice 9245
Professional profiles professional profile Career opportunities Specialist physicist role in a work context: The specialist physicist is able to work in the various areas listed below: 1)… Read more