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Professional Profiles

Public administration official


The public administration official covers important roles in the field of organizational innovation, more specifically:

-handles projects realization, administrative activities and entrusted procedures, coordinating subordinates' activities;

-plans and manage organizational and technological innovation in order to increase efficiency in public administration

-organizes recruiting procedures, training and continuing education of  human resources;

-Organizes mass communication and customer relationship.


The public administration officer:

- has interdisciplinary skills in human resource management;

- knows how to interact with law, economics and finance experts;

- has developed skills in decision-making and in leadership techniques;

- owns the necessary social skills suitable for his role, along with excellent communication and motivational skills and the ability to interact in a complex context,



National, regional and local administration offices, private companies, national health service offices and guarantor authority.

Human resources manager


Human resource manager:

- develop and evaluate projects in organizational innovation, planning of quality systems along with control on costs;

- analyse and define job organization through the identification of quantitative and qualitative needs of human resources along with the draft of organizational charts, procedures, job description and instructions

- organize recruitment procedures and training activities;

- define programmes and criteria for career paths, and interventions in human resource management and organize strategic marketing, public relations and special events.


Human resource manager

- Knows the mechanisms of complex organizations and decisions

-knows how to analyze the political and organizational context in decision-making process, knows how to conceive, draw up and implement projects as well as promote social and mass media campains;

-Knows how to interact with political and administrative counterparts;

-knows how to evaluate the impact of political, social and economic changes on organizations;

-knows how to develop innovation in human resource management .



Public organizations, consumer organizations, private companies, consulting companies.

Public Policy analyst


The public policy analyst:

- understands the origin, development, functioning and logics behind political beliefs, economic and political relations among nations, the modalities behind political decisions and their interrelations with public opinion, governments and parties activity, reason and consequences of voting outcomes;

- coordinates interventions, monitoring and evaluation of public programmes;

- is able to carry out an integrated analysis of the dynamics occurring in complex societies thanks to the development of comparative knowledge;

-understands the relationships between the different levels of policy making (local, national, international) and stakeholders.


The Public Policy analyst:

- knows the institutional and political system, both international and European, its historic, social, economic and juridical origins;

- analyses and understands the political and organizational context in decision-making, knows how to manage a public policy project and monitor its outcomes, promoting it in the public opinion using mass and social media;

-interacts with experts in law and finance;



-Private companies and organizations (both national and international)

-Think tank and private/public research institutes

-Social observatories;

-Marketing institutions;

-Public administration;

- International organizations (EU, OECD, ILO, UN)

-Non profit organizations;

-Consulting and communication agencies;

-Stakeholders associations

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Corso di Politics Administration and Organization - codice 9085
Professional profiles professional profile Professional Profiles Public administration official JOB ROLE The public administration officialcovers important roles in the field of organizational innovation,… Read more