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Health and Safety mandatory training - Dates of Module 3

Specific training medium risk for courses in English

Dates and times for a.y. 2024/2025


Calendar of Module 3 of the edition scheduled in the 1st cycle a.y. 2024/25, for the CdS of International horticultural science, Precise and sustainable agriculture and Food Safety and Food Risk Management of the Department of Food Science and Technology.

Edition date



Booking period

Maximum number of students



10.00 – 14.00




During the academic year 24/25 other dates will be available to carry out Module 3 at other University facilities, and for information it is necessary to send an e-mail to

Please note that the performance of modules 1 and 2 of safety is mandatory and binding for all students.


Module 3, in addition to modules 1 and 2, is instead necessary to be able to access the University laboratories that involve chemical-biological risk, and to carry out activities related to the internship or for the preparation of the thesis that involve this type of risk.


Courses will take place only if the number of 10 students enrolled is reached


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