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Preparing the study plan

Information on how to creat your Study Plan.

What is a Study Plan?

The University’s Study Plan is a list of all the exams (courses) that you have to take in order to graduate. Some exams are mandatory, while others are optional. 

If the Study Plan for your first year of enrollment offers a group option in that year (e.g. Final Exam group, optional exams etc.), you must submit the Study Plan during the periods indicated.

You can view your Study Plan in the STUDY section of this website.

Who can present a Study Plan?

Study Plans be can submitted by students correctly enrolled, up-to-date with the payment of university fees and, in the case of an international student, in possession of a valid residence permit.

Final Exam group options

A total of 20 CFUs must be included in your Study Plan for the final exam. These 20 credits can be inserted as a single choice or by summing together 13 credits for the final exam preparation and 7 credits for the final exam itself, as specified in the following points.

1. In the event that the final exam requires a continuous presence in an external structure(institution or company), the following internship options are established in preparation for the final examination:

  • Internship For Preparation Of The Final Examination (13 CFU), if the host structure is in Italy;
  • Internship Abroad For Preparation Of The Final Examination (13 CFU), if the host structure is abroad (the activity can be performed in the context of international mobility by applying at Erasmus+ Traineeship Call; in alternative, you may open an Internship through Studenti Online and perform the activity without a mobility contribution).

The Final Examination (7 CFU) must be added to reach a total 20 CFUs. The choice of Internship For Preparation Of The Final Examination foresees Internship activation according to the procedures displayed in this website at the section STUDYING > Internship.

2. In the event that final exam preparation is carried out abroad during an international mobility period (with the Call “Thesis Abroad” or with Erasmus+ Study), the option Preparation For The Final Examination Abroad (13 CFU) is foreseen.

The Final Examination (7 CFU) must be added to reach a total 20 CFUs.
This option requires the identification of a contact person belonging to the foreign university structure responsible for the collaboration, and documented insurance coverage. Registration of the Preparation For The Final Examination Abroad (13 CFU) will be carried out by the Degree Program Coordinator, upon endorsement by your thesis Supervisor.

3. In any other case, and if you intend to agree with your Supervisor a thesis that does not require the activation of an Internship nor activities abroad, the option Final Examination LM (20 CFU) must be chosen.