Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Precise and Sustainable Agriculture

Programme aims

The Master's Course in Precise and Sustainable Agriculture aims to train Agronomists with specific skills in the field of precision and sustainable agriculture. The students will specialize on the knowledge of innovative techniques and technical means for the cultivation of plant species and the breeding of animals of agricultural interest.

The course is divided into 4 semesters for a total of 120 ECTS. During the first year will also be examined aspects related to:

- the introduction and management of innovation on the farm, including aspects of economic convenience,

- the design and management of herbaceous, arboreal and zootechnical agricultural systems according to the dictates of precision agriculture,

- the field of agricultural engineering with particular reference to automatic and remote control systems for a rational management of spatial variability at farm level, of machines, water and animals,

- the digitalization of the farm.

In the second year, in order to complete the precision agriculture skills provided in the first year, students will choose between two training courses:

  • Plant production: This curriculum has the aim of refining the professional figure with skills concerning specific aspects of the sustainability of plant production related to: low-impact agriculture techniques, genetic and microbial biotechnologies applied to the soil / plant system in addition to concepts of sustainable and precise plant protection.
  • Animal production: This curriculum has the aim of refining the professional figure with skills concerning aspects of the sustainability of animal production related to: innovative technologies for animal selection and nutrition, innovative technologies for a rational management of the breeding of chickens, rabbits, monogastric and polygastric animals as well as aquaculture.

During the second semester of the second year, the student carry out a training internship and/or chosen courses, for a total of 8 ECTS, and perform activities that allow the acquisition of other useful knowledge for job placement (3 ECTS) during a company internship or participating at conferences, seminars or laboratory activities.

Furthermore, the student's training is completed by preparing the degree thesis (20 ECTS). For this purpose, in the training path there is an internship period for the preparation of the final test which can be carried out externally to DISTAL, at public bodies, research institutes or private companies at regional, national or international level.

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Corso di Precise and Sustainable Agriculture - codice 5705
The aim of the Master's Degree Programme in Precise and Sustainable Agriculture is to produce Agronomists with specific knowledge and skills in the field of precision and sustainable agriculture. Currently the training on offer in this sector is… Read more