Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Statistical Sciences


Information on how to offer an internship

Starting up an internship

Companies, firms or institutions willing to host students from the University of Bologna as interns, may do so after signing an internship agreement with the University (please check on the online internships and agreements service). Once the agreement is set, companies/institutions may post on SOL-Internships , in the “Offers” section, one or more internship openings, which may either be targeted to students from a definite range of Degree Programmes, who can submit their application, or to specific students who have previously been selected. Companies/institutions may also decide to accept speculative applications from students.

After a company posts an internship opening, audits and evaluations are conducted by the Internship Office and Board; this takes up to 15 days, after which a student gets confirmation to start the activity and may download the attendance sheet.

How long should internships last?

Every Degree Programme has its own internship options, which provide a set number of university credits. 25 hours of work typically equal 1 credit, therefore if the Programme includes e.g. a 10 credit internship option, it will translate into 250 hours of work.

Insurance policy and business travel insurance

During the internship period (specified in the attendance sheet) students are insured by the University of Bologna against accidents at work and third party liability claims. For further information, please check the Insurance Policy webpage.

Should an intern need to travel to locations not included in their approved programme, they can ask for an insurance extension to the Internship Academic Tutor. They should be contacted by email, with the Internship Office and reference person at the host organisation in carbon copy. The intern will then wait for their request to be approved before travelling.

 What to do at the end of the internship

After completing the working hours of the internship, the contact person at the host organization should

  1. sign the student’s attendance sheet to confirm the working hours and period of the internship;
  2. fill out the mandatory questionnaire at the end of the internship, that you will find online after you upload your attendance sheet.

 You might also be interested in:

  •  Have you already signed an internship agreement but lost the credentials? Log in to the DSA University Service