EMOS traineeships must take place in an organisation located in an EU Member State, EFTA or candidate countries, whose aim is to provide reliable and comparable statistics to support policy decisions, planning, and implementation. At EU level, this is the primary objective of the European Statistical System (ESS).
If the traineeship takes place in an organisation outside the ESS/ESCB, the National Statistical Institutes (NSI) or NCB must certify that the work area is relevant to official statistics in Europe. The EMOS labelled programme must inform the Board by means of providing such certificates in the context of the annual reporting exercise.
As a rule, traineeships are to be carried out physically at the working premises. However, at the current circumstances the Board supports the exception of traineeships taking place remotely when it is not possible to organise them otherwise.
List of National Statistical Institutes (NSI) and other national authorities.
Specifically, in Italy, the organization where the traineeship takes place has to be part of the National Statistical System (SISTAN), which is a network of National Statistical Authorities that provide official statistical information.
Together with ISTAT the other bodies belonging to the National Statistical System, namely their statistical offices, are: public bodies and agencies in charge of providing statistical information; central statistical offices of government’s administrations; statistical offices of public bodies and private authorities (these last designated by law); statistical offices of Government’s territorial offices; Chambers of Commerce; statistical offices of Autonomous Regions and Provinces; statistical offices of Provinces; statistical offices of principal towns; statistical offices of principal municipal cities, statistical offices of municipalities; statistical offices of small municipalities associated in partnership; statistical offices associated in partnership.
For further information, please contact Professor Elisabetta Carfagna (elisabetta.carfagna@unibo.it).