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Master thesis competition 2022 - European Master in Official Statistics

An alumnus of the second cycle degree in Statistical Sciences has been awarded as the author of one of the top six best EMOS theses

Published on 09 January 2023

Master thesis competition 2022 - European Master in Official Statistics

The alumnus Pietro Macedoni has been recently awarded by the Board of the European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS) as the author of one of the top six best theses submitted for the Master thesis competition 2022 of the EMOS.

Dr. Macedoni’s thesis ‘Integration of land use vector data from administrative sources for agri-environmental analysis’ was jointly supervised by Prof. Elisabetta Carfagna and Dr. Flavio Lupia (CREA - Agricultural policies and bioeconomy) within the European project ‘Open IASC’.

As one of the best candidates, Dr. Macedoni has been invited to present his work in a poster session at an international scientific conference ‘New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics 2023’ organised biennially by Eurostat.

Travel and accommodation will be covered by Eurostat.