Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Statistical Sciences

Double degree programmes

Partner Universities


Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de l'Information (ENSAI) - France

General information about the programmes

The following programmes have been established:

  • a double degree programme with the Master in Computational Science of the Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) in Lugano, Switzerland;
  • a interuniversity cooperation with the École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Analyse de l’Information (ENSAI) and the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Rennes, France. 

The double degree programme with the Master in Computational Science of the Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)

Bologna students attending the degree programme in Statistical Sciences, curriculum Data Science, can apply in order to be admitted to the double degree programme with the USI in Lugano. They will spend the first semester of their second year in Lugano and if they successfully complete their studies they will obtain both the Master's Degree in Statistical Sciences (LM-82) delivered by Bologna University and the Master's Degree in Computational Science delivered by USI. Lugano students will attend our second year courses.

The cooperation with the École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Analyse de l’Information (ENSAI) and the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Rennes

Bologna students attending the degree programme in Statistical Sciences (any curriculum) can apply in order to be admitted to a double degree programme with ENSAI. They will spend their second year in Rennes and if they successfully complete their studies they will obtain both the  Master's Degree in Statistical Sciences (LM-82) delivered by Bologna University and one of the following Master’s degrees delivered by ENSAI:

  • Mathématiques appliquées, Statistique, parcours Smart Data Science (Bologna students enrolled in the curriculum Data Science);
  • Mathematiques Appliquées, Statistique, parcours Science des Données pour la Décision Publique – majeure Méthodologie de la statistique publique (Bologna students enrolled in the curriculum Health and Population Analytics);
  • Mathematiques Appliquées, Statistique, parcours Science des Données pour la Décision Publique – majeure International EMOS (Bologna students enrolled in the curriculum Official Statistics).

Students enrolled in ENSAI or the University of Rennes will attend our second year courses.