Professional profiles
professional profile
Statisticalexpert in the management and analysis of information
function in a work environment:
The statistical-IT preparation provided forthe management, analysis and interpretation of information enables the persontrained to propose objective tools of use in the decision-making processes ofgoverning bodies and firms. In particular, this person:
- has knowledge of the methodological toolsfor the analysis of data, including big data;
- supports the decisions of technical andstrategic management via the management of IT systems and the analysis ofstatistical data;
- produces statistical indicators and makesforecasts;
- designs and carries out complexinvestigations;
- creates and manages complex databases.
skills associated with the function:
Performance of the above functions requiresspecific specialist knowledge, skills and abilities in the areas of IT,statistics and mathematics. Specifically, the person to be trained must be ableto:
- define the methodological basis for theanalysis;
- use software for the statisticalprocessing and analysis of data;
- interpret and communicate the results.
career opportunities:
Public administrations, research bodies andconsultancies, research centres within medium-size and large public and privatefirms, research centres in international organisations.
function in a work environment:
The statistical-IT preparation provided inthe healthcare-epidemiology field enables the person trained to organisecomplex experimental investigations and extrapolate information from them thatis useful in practice. In particular, this person:
- makes planned observations to assess theeffect of social and health-related campaigns and action, and the quality ofthe services provided to users;
- organises and manages complex databases;
- organises experimental designs that usecomplex sampling techniques;
- produces statistical indicators.
skills associated with the function:
Performance of the above functions requiresspecific specialist knowledge, skills and abilities in the statistical, socialand healthcare-epidemiology fields. Specifically, the person to be trained mustbe able to:
- identify the principal flows for theproduction of information about the topics under investigation;
- define the methodological basis for theanalysis;
- assess the quality of the data collected;
- analyse and interpret the results.
career opportunities:
Local health authorities, Epidemiologicalobservatories, Pharmaceutical firms.
Statistical-socialexpert in population problems
function in a work environment:
The statistical-IT preparation provided inthe socio-demographic field enables the person trained to define interpretativeand forecasting models for the phenomena under investigation. In particular,this person:
- creates and manages databases for thepopulations in order to study and monitor the demographic phenomena from both astatic and a dynamic standpoint;
- builds forecasting models forpopulations;
- produces and estimates demographicindicators in the absence of complete data (populations of developingcountries);
- makes planned observations to assess theeffect of social campaigns and action directed towards users.
skills associated with the function:
Performance of the above functions requiresspecific specialist knowledge, skills and abilities in the statistical, socialand demographic fields. Specifically, the person to be trained must be able to:
- identify the principal flows for theproduction of information about the topics under investigation;
- prepare questionnaires and deviseforecasting scenarios;
- use software for the statisticalprocessing and analysis of data;
- interpret and communicate the results;
career opportunities:
Public administrations, Research offices ofnational and international research bodies.
Expertin Official Statistics
function in a work environment:
Knowledge of the problems associated withthe management and production of official statistics and the statistical-ITpreparation provided enables the graduate to work for the institutions responsiblefor official statistics at national and international level. In particular,this person:
- designs and carries out complexinvestigations;
- has knowledge of the methodological toolsfor the analysis of data, including big data;
- produces statistical indicators and knowshow to make forecasts;
- creates and manages databases forstudying and monitoring social, economic and demographic phenomena from both astatic and a dynamic standpoint.
skills associated with the function:
Performance of the above functions requiresspecific specialist knowledge, skills and abilities in the statistical andsocial fields. Specifically, the person to be trained must be able to:
- define the methodological basis for theinvestigation;
- use software for the statisticalprocessing and analysis of data;
- interpret and communicate the results.
career opportunities:
Institutions responsible for officialstatistics at national and international level
Continuing to study
It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.