Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Statistical Sciences

Royal Statistical Society accreditation and European Master in Official Statistics

The master's degree in Statistical Sciences has been awarded the status of RSS Accredited University by the Royal Statistical Society. Its curriculum Official Statistics has been awarded the EMOS label by the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC).

The Master’s Degree in Statistical Sciences has been awarded the status of RSS Accredited University by the Royal Statistical Society

The Royal Statistical Society (RSS) is one of the world's most distinguished and renowned statistical societies. It is a learned society for statistics, a professional body for statisticians and a charity which works to promote statistics for the public good.

The RSS accreditation provides reassurance that the teaching, learning and assessment within the programme is of high quality and meets the needs of students and employers. It represents a formal certification of the value of the profession of statistics along a defined professional pathway from university to professional practice. 

Awarded for the first time in Italy and for the second time in Europe outside the UK, this accreditation offers graduates of the course the opportunity to apply to the Royal Statistical Society for the professional award of Graduate Statistician (GradStat).

Our accreditation agreement with the Royal Statistical Society is from 2023/24 until 2028/29.

Logo Emos

The curriculum Official Statistics of the master in Statistical Sciences has been awarded the EMOS label by the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC). The label is valid until 2028.

The European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS) is a label awarded by the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC). After four calls for applications, the EMOS network comprises 31 programmes in 17 countries and collaborating partners in statistical offices. 

EMOS was set up to strengthen the collaboration within academia and producers of official statistics and help develop professionals able to work with European official data at different levels in the fast-changing production system of the 21st century. The EMOS Master degree is based on learning outcomes which familiarise the graduates with the system of official statistics, production models, statistical methods and dissemination.  

Universities offering EMOS Master degrees collaborate actively with the national statistical institutes to reduce the gap between theory and practice. Pertinent topics for Master thesis, internship in the area of official statistic, EMOS workshops and webinars offer a relevant mix of skills and knowledge for tomorrow's official statisticians.