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Cycles of Seminars: '' Exercise For Diabetes: Physiology, Education And Physical Activity Programs" and “An ageing world: multidisciplinary perspectives on the silver age.”

November-December 2021

Published on 12 November 2021

Exercise For Diabetes: Physiology, Education And Physical Activity Programs

The course is developed in the framework of the European project BE-NEW.

The seminars will allow to acquire scientific and didactic-training knowledge in the field of metabolic diseases, with specific reference to the prescription and administration of physical exercise in type I and type II diabetes mellitus.

An ageing world: multidisciplinary perspectives on the silver age.”

This seminar’s series aims at highlighting the many perspectives and disciplinary knowledge ageing encompasses. Emphasizing the role of wellbeing in physical, biological and psychological dimensions of senescence, the series will offer an overview about the most updated research in the field.

Students are welcome to participate: find the program in the specific box