Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Wellness, sport and health

Programme aims

This second cycleDegree Programme aims to train professionals in the design and management ofsport and physical activity for well-being and health with:
- specific, in-depth competencies in the field ofsport and exercise sciences, with attention tothe different disciplines and the individualdifferences associated with age, gender, the sociocultural context, the levelof physical and cultural maturity, and any physical disability.
- the ability to design sports training paths,guiding recipients in their educational action to choose the sport and physicalactivities best suited to their own level of motor,mental, relational, emotional and affective maturity.
- knowledge of interpersonal and social communicationprocesses to create and manage relations with associations, institutions andfamilies. This educational profile is therefore based on the use of sport andphysical activity to improve physical and mental well-being, protect the healthand improve the lifestyle of all. The second cycle programme is based on amultidisciplinary approach developed along three fundamental lines, in bothyears of the programme:
- scientific area: biology, physiology andbiochemistry
- sport and exercise sciences area
- social and human sciences area.
In addition:
- the internship, where students can focus theirlearning on specific fields of professional interest
- the final examination, consisting of a projectfocused on sustainability, supported by field studies or based on research in one of the core scientific and culturalsubjects and the professional profile developedby the programme.