Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Wellness, sport and health


Professional profiles

professional profile

Professional in the design and managementof physical activity and sport for well-being and health

Role in a professional context:
These professionals promote, organise and manage activities and events relatedto sport, play and physical activity either within publicor private services and bodies, or as self-employed professionals. The common aimof these activities is to promote culture and goodpractice to improve the quality of life and well-being among individuals andthe community, and to promote health. To carry out their duties in a contextcharacterised by the presence of multiple parties/entities interested inspecific fields of action within the wellness sector, these professionals willhave to collaborate, depending on the projects and their beneficiaries, with otheroperators in the health, sport, culture and educationsectors. Their role as coordinators of specific projects must be defined by theability to make use of the specificcompetencies of the various operators involved and promote team work. Morespecifically:
- plan and coordinate activities in profit andnon-profit organisations working in the sport and recreation sectors;
- organise and manage events enhancing sport culturewith a view to a sustainable economy, in synergy with other localorganisations;
- design and advise businesses supplying instruments,goods and services for well-being, sport, and physicalactivity, safeguarding hygiene standards;
- in cooperation with schools, promote teachingactivities and initiatives to develop health culture, proper lifestyles,prevention, youth sport and active citizenship.

Competencies associatedwith the role:
In order to carry out the above, the following competenciesare required:
- specific competencies in the sport and exercisesciences with particular reference to the promotion of physical and mentalhealth, and attention to the individual differencesassociated with age, gender, socioculturalcontext, level of physical and mental maturity, and disability;
- competencies in the design of developmentalprograms through sport practice (especiallynon-competitive sports), in providing guidance to individuals and groups in thechoice of the sport and physical activities most suited to their level of motor, mental,relational, emotional and affective development.

In relation to theactivities and tasks these second cycle graduates will be asked to perform, thecompetencies enhanced by the programme focus essentially on three levels:
a) the ability to interpret the needs (criticalissues and shortcomings) associated with different areas of wellness;
b) the ability to design and manage sustainableinterventions for the promotion of quality of life with verifiable objectives;
c) a systemic vision of the areas and issues related towell-being, being able to work in a team, enhancingand coordinating different groups and professional skills.

Career opportunities:
Public and private bodies, sport organizations,non-profit organisations, schools, companies that primarily operate in,or have among their competencies, the field of healthmaintenance and improvement through widespread and inclusive sport practices,or the promotion of sport and recreational activities to foster the developmentof a healthy lifestyle for individuals and the community.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.