Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Curriculum Arts, Museology and Curatorship Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Visual Arts

Academic Calendar 2023/24

Start dates and end dates of the teaching activities

Teaching activities of 12 credits (CFU):
- lessons 1st semester: from September 18th 2023 to December 22th 2023

- lessons 2nd semester: from January 29th 2024 to May 10th 2024

- annual lessons: from September 18th 2023 to May 10th 2024

Teaching activities of 6 credits (CFU): 
- lessons 1st period: from September 18th 2023 to October 27th 2023

- lessons 2nd period: from November 8th 2023 to December 22th 2023

- lessons 3rd period: from January 29th 2024 to March 8th 2024

- lessons 4th period: from March 18th 2024 to May 10th 2024

Interruption of lessons

  • from October 30th to November 7th 2023
  • November 24th 2023
  • from January 2nd to January 26th 2024
  • from March 11th to March 15th 2024
  • April 12th 2024
  • from December 22nd 2023 to January 7th 2024
  • from March 28th to April 2nd 2024
  • April 26th 2024

Exam sessions ("appelli")

  • Exam sessions for 1st period lessons: starting from October 23th 2023
  • Exam sessions for 1st semester lessons: starting from December 11th 2023
  • Exam sessions for 2nd period lessons: starting from December 15th 2023
  • Exam sessions for 3rd period lessons: starting from March 4th 2024
  • Exam sessions for annual lessons: starting from March 18th 2024
  • Exam sessions for 2nd semester lessons: starting from April 22th 2024
  • Exam sessions for 4th period lessons: starting from April 29th 2024

Final examination and graduation sessions

Please see this page


Study plan submission periods

  • from October 7th to November 29th 2023
  • from January 8th to April 5th 2024

Public Holidays: 

4th October - Patron's Day (St. Petronius)

1st November -  All Saints Day

8th December - The Immaculate Conception

25th December - Christmas Day

26th December - St. Stephen's Day

1st January - New Year's Day

6th January - The Epiphany

Monday after Easter - Easter Monday

25th April - Liberation's Day

1st May - International Workers' Day

2nd June - Republic Day

15th August - Ferragosto/Assumption Day