Curriculum Arts, Museology and Curatorship
Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Visual Arts

Lecture theatres, labs and libraries

The department hosting the programme provides a variety of different rooms and spaces where to study or carry out research on a professional level.

Lecture theatres

The lecture theatres have different capacities and are all served by free WIFI and equipped with various instruments.

List of lecture theatres

Study rooms

The study rooms are located in the library of the Department of Arts and in the libraries serving the programme.

List of study rooms


Activities, areas of interest and instruments concerning the Labs serving the programme:

List of labs


The University of Bologna includes a rich network of library services. You can refer to libraries particularly focused on humanities, law, economics and political and social sciences.
See the complete list of University libraries.

Multimedia Lab (MultiLab)

Former Convento di Santa Cristina - Piazzetta Giorgio Morandi 2

The Multmedia Lab (MultiLab) is located inside the Santa Cristina complex and has recently been adapted as a Multifunctional area for the Visual Arts.

Activities here are devoted both to didactics and research and focus particularly on the study and organization of VideoArt. Scientific and didactic activities related to informatics by the Library and Photographic archive "I. B. Supino" are also held in these premises, with specific seats devoted to research and bibliographic consultation.

The Lab also hosts seminars guided by tutors that allow 1st and 2nd cycle degree students to gain a better expertise in the use of instruments to carry out research on online databases.

The MultiLab has recently been renovated in terms of safety accesses, it is equipped with 9 computers, 2 scanners and WIFI connection.

Following a current collaboration, the equipment used by teachers and students of the Department of Arts are occasionally used by the Zeri Foundation for the digitalization of large formats.