Starting from the academic year 2021/22, a new double degree exchange progamme has been activated between the Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne and the University of Bologna. Within this “parcours d’eccellence”, three selected students from each University per academic year will have the opportunity to pass their third study semester (30 ECTS) at the partner University and to gain, at the end of their studies, a degree in “Patrimoine et Musées, parcours Histoire du Patrimoine et des Musées” (Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne as well as a degree in “Visual Arts” (University of Bologna).
Available places for AMaC 1st year students, academic year 2024/25: 3 (three) places
Primary conditions to be eligible to apply:
- Be enrolled in the academic year 2024/25 in the 1st year of the degree programme in “Visual Arts” – curriculum AMaC;
- French B2 level knowledge.
Primary conditions for the selected students:
- Before their departure for the exchange semester, the selected students must have obtained all 60 CFU foreseen during their 1st study year in Bologna.
When preparing their final dissertation, the selected students must write their dissertation in English or in French and prepare an extensive abstract in the other language. Generally, they will choose for their dissertation one supervisor from the University of Bologna and one supervisor from Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne.
Contacts for further information:
Academic Coordinator of the Double Degree programme:
Prof. Sandra Costa
Academic Coordinator of the AMaC curriculum:
Prof. Anna Rosellini
Administrative coordination:
Anke Elisabeth Fischer