Curriculum Arts, Museology and Curatorship
Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Visual Arts

French B2 level exam ("Idoneità linguistica francese B2")

General information on how to prepare and register for the French B2 level exam

The French B2 level exam is organized by the University's Language Centre - CLA - Centro Linguistico di Ateneo. The exam is computer based.

For further information see:


- Corsi, materiali e link utili 

How to prepare for the exam

To prepare for the exam, the CLA offers specific courses ("moduli blended") (recommended but not compulsory), which foresee lessons with a teacher in class and exercises based on the online resources of the CLA, with the possibility to get in touch with a language tutor.

See also:

Registration and exam sessions

It is possible to take the exam starting from the academic year in which the language exam is foreseen in the study plan.
The registration for the exam is possible exclusively on the online platform AlmaEsami; when registering, the AlmaEsami platform will communicate the session and time of the exam (assigned automatically - due to the high number of students it is not possible to select the desired session).

It is necessary to take your student's badge and a valid ID document to the test.
In case of difficulties with the AlmaEsami registration, it is necessary to contact the competent CLA secretariat before the registration deadline.

6 exam sessions every year will be foreseen (two sessions per season):

  • Winter (2 sessions between January and February)
  • Summer (2 sessions between May and June)
  • Autumn (2 sessions in September)

Attention: Depending on the number of students, the exam session might have a duration of several days after the opening day.

Exam result and registation of the result ("verbalizzazione")

At the end of the exam, the student will visualize immediately the test result on the pc screen; if the test foresees (written or oral) production parts, the result will be published on the CLA website.
The result registration ("verbalizzazione") will happen automatically on the AlmaEsami platform, normally within some days after the test; if the test foresees (written or oral) production parts, the result registration ("verbalizzazione") might take a couple of weeks.