Curriculum Arts, Museology and Curatorship
Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Visual Arts

AVEC #4 - Is That MagicAI? Algorithmic Spells and Machine Hallucinations

AVEC - Art, Visuality and Electronic Culture Graduate Student Workshop about Artificial Intelligence and the functioning of the machine eye as a disruptive device

15 December 2023 from 11:00 to 18:00

Complesso di Santa Cristina, Piazzetta Giorgio Morandi 2, Bologna - In presence event

For the fourth appointment of the series of talks organized by the Graduate Student Workshop AVEC, the topic of Artificial Intelligence and the functioning of the machine eye as a disruptive device will be faced.

The AI eye acts as the device watching us and changing our way of looking at the world, establishing new interactions between gazes, images and devices within which the boundaries between oppositional categories dissolve. In this disarray, created by a machine that increasingly seems to be approaching anthropomorphization, what does it mean to "see", what does it entail to "visualize", what do we mean by "image"? If the field of the visual becomes increasingly non-human, where is our gaze situated?

Last but not least, to what extent does a device born from technology becomes charged with magical, dreamlike if not esoteric connotations because of the invisibility that marks its inner functioning?


Alice Barale / Arte e Intelligenza Artificiale: origini e sviluppi di alcune pratiche contemporanee.

Joy Pepe / Divinità artificiali: dall'ipertassonomia all'eteroglossia.

Lorenzo Aimo / Prompt: Text-to-Image software e la generazione di immagini algoritmiche.

Gustavo Marfia (VARLab) / Un’introduzione a ChatGPT

Eleonora Stacchiotti / Pensare senza pensiero. Pratiche di co-creazione nei grovigli fra umani, macchine e altri viventi.

Tiziana Terranova / L’occhio della macchina oltre l’umanesimo tecnoliberale.

Roberto Fassone / Immagina intelligenze artificiali psichedeliche, animali che pensano alla guerra, il keynote di Sam Altman, reti neurali di tarocchi, metafore, lettere dai morti, immagini segrete della macchina.

LOREM / Distrust Everything (2023)